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09/19/14 5:03 PM

#19296 RE: flipper44 #19293

From memory, I believe LP compared the track record of DC Vax and that of 'other treatments', including anti PD1:

L: With over 1000 cycle of treatments, 2 serious side effects most likely due to the tumors themselves.
The typical side effect is an up to two days fever not exceeding 2 degrees C.

Chemo/radiation: Well, you probably know the picture here better than me!Not very pretty!

Anti PD1: I want to say ICU visits, I believe that's what LP gave as side effects.

Her point was that the immune system is very powerful, and that letting it loose with 'other treatments' may have serious health issues.

On the contrary, the safety profile of DC Vax has been so far exceptional, due to the inherent mechanism of the patients'own partially mature DC.

She made quite a strong point in London about this. I had not heard say anything like it before.