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Optimistic Trader

09/19/14 3:13 PM

#21640 RE: TheTradingNinja #21635

I congratulate you for trading correctly. Good work! On the flip side, I'm just saying the charters have gotten squeezed here in the past because the mm's and dilution was massive...they would see stalled runs all the time and huge swings downward. If one wants to look at the history of SFOR it shows it clearly. I've been pro SFOR until the latest split was announced and I did well with SFOR. But again, from a longer-term perspective SFOR has been a pig. How about this...again, I will congratulate you on your recent trading, and I am going to stop writing for the time being because really there is nothing to argue about (which I don't want to)...lets make some dough. Good trading!!!


09/20/14 2:25 AM

#21656 RE: TheTradingNinja #21635

Chartists are very important for a stock.
That's my thought.