Again, I don't doubt Kirby is a good guy. He's just being fed a line of bull to get him on board. Think about the bull that was produced in the 04/05 PR's. While Mario does have to watch what he's saying in PR's, he isn't regulated in the BS that he can tell people like Kirby.
And Kirby might be a nice guy and all but what are his great successes thusfar? I'd think if
anyone was truly impressed with his software, he'd have alist of clients a mile long- or perhaps Paypal would have bought him out. Paypal, Stormpay, 2checkout,worldpay, ibill, ikobo- he emulates all of these companies, but apparently not enough to where they care about what he's doing. JMO.
As far as simply "turning on computers and getting agreements", that's not enough to obtain a customer base that they're talking about IMO, not even close. I think you're underestimating their task, like everyone did with the the internet business bubble that burst 5 years ago. I'll agree it sounds great on paper, but all of the past "projects" have. To market their service they need money to do it, not everyone accepts PYCT paper.
Good luck with the long status- this obviously has proven to be the bottom so buying here wouldn't be a bad idea if you're already in. Could pop again, probably will.