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09/19/14 8:31 AM

#201739 RE: Serenity #201738

I hear where u r coming from Serenity and I guess I immediately got the humorous analogy Dennis was providing is all because it was appropriate to the last spin Eric was trying to provide on the HD discontinued notification earlier this week ie: HD supposedly telling John Deere "sorry JD but we have an IT problem so have to discontinue your 22 horse power tractor and replace it with a 3.5hp push mower" lol;)

And you are sooooooooo right as always Serenity...this entire dialogue all week has been the direct result of 2 WNBD CEO email blogs versus 3 emails from HD...with both sides providing completely opposite answers on the discontinued notification right! Eric defiantly claiming that WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ stain remover is NOT discontinued...and HD confirming that after research it is INDEED discontinued!

I have no doubt that if/when HD makes this supposed new decision Eric was last blog spinning about there will still be some who believe that HD pulling WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ stain remover for over a week now while Eric says they're deciding on whether or not to continue listing it or individual bottles instead proves that Eric's statement claiming WNBD's 3-pack 1000+ stain remover at HD has been reflecting increasing sales since the listing began was accurate...even though there's never been any previous numbers or metrics provided by Eric to even qualify/quantify such a bold statement!

So as is always the case with the constant blog spinning provided...readers will have to determine for themselves the logic behind all that is said versus the actual results/facts that emerge cheers;)

Black Beerd

09/19/14 10:14 AM

#201744 RE: Serenity #201738

"Most of this dialog has been wasted for the last few days and it takes the focus off of the real situation as you well outlined."

ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!! This imo is nothing more than the talking points that reflected losing the Walmart Canada situation, the spring rollout into 500 big box stores...etc etc etc. It's this and the many other issues that all lead back to the source of it all///ERIC/CEO. He is the cause and now all the focus is on the symptom. Why?... because I guess it's a pattern of his behavior that just keeps on giving so its I guess a natural course of action. But as you said it has to be looked at as whats new? this stuff happens and continues to happen daily...nothing new...just a different flavor that's all.

Now here's what interesting. It's all these little symptoms that has a protective circle around the CEO. On and outside that circle is a WELCOMED distraction as it keeps focus and discussions on symptoms and for many a relief that it doesn't pull them into the inside circle of problems that doesn't want to be discussed by a few. That inner circle surrounding the CEO is the no defense zone. Cross that border and it draws all attn. to the core of all these problems. Inside that circle is where Hope's unanswered questions are...where allegations that go unanswered or responded to lives, where accountability discussions are, where topics of why there was no audited fins and the uplisting issues remain unaddressed. DOES ANYONE NOTICE HOW THAT CIRCLE NEVER GETS CROSSED INTO? On the outside its all about technical errors, someone elses fault, the big bad anonymous posters, discontinued, 3 bottles or a gallon, and all inane symptom talks go on.

Many want to focus on a blinker on the car not working...the real issue is the car has a bad engine(CEO). Pop the hood...lets talk about the CEO.