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09/19/14 6:57 AM

#143781 RE: manjensen #143779

The CIRCULAR SCAM theory! Get 2-3-4 credit cards and use each to pay off the other...but HERE he uses the company stock to "pay" himself and uses SMOKE AND MIRRORS to KEEP YOUR attention "over there" while he shafts YOU over HERE!

No NEED for this many "companies" but when you RESEARCH his SERIAL SCAMMING history you will UNDERSTAND!!

To TRIP ZEROS BMSN!! Your Dr's and other business associates will be VERY surprised when they see your SERIAL SCAMMING history, and those you financially CRUSHED, a nice little packet of data...BOOOOYAAAAA!


09/19/14 9:33 AM

#143783 RE: manjensen #143779

BMSN is the parent and Regen is being created to be licensed or sold to a new owner. Once sold BMSN will continue to pull in revenue of Regen IMO.