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09/17/14 11:24 AM

#76504 RE: Dunphy777 #76469

I am assuming that the silver and other

values are contained in sulfides present in the ore.

There is mention of sulfur content in the ore via the dreaded Evans&Evans Report. So one is probably talking in terms of sulfide mineralization.

I could not find a picture of this centrifuge but it sounds like a small Knelson concentrator.

Well here it is courtesy of a poster who took pictures of the scam.

Concentrator centrifuge picture

Later on they used flotation and actually reprocessed some of the original tailings.

Oh, it gets more slurpy than that per a tidbit from the E&E report. It was stated they planned to process the mythical 38 oz/MT material with the 0.7 oz/MT tailings. Which sounds suspiciously like they were going to mix or dilute material of a higher value with the tailings. If one mixed say 50:50 38 oz/MT with 0.7 oz/MT, that would yield 16 oz/MT. A smelter would probably accept. The scam could rightfully claim it had reprocessed the tailings. Where if one tried to process 0.7 oz/MT tailings by itself, wouldn't the concentrating costs go through the roof? One HUGE problem exists as you note:

I don't think the company will give us this information to do our calculations.

TRII claims $166K in revenues. But did they do the mix suggested above at 50:50, some other mix ratio? Is the 38 oz/MT material 38 oz/MT or really 8 oz/MT? How many tons were shipped to realize the revenue? Ave silver content assayed at the smelter? Silver eq ounces producted? One could even imagine a scenario where he concentrates the 8-10 oz/MT material to 20, and then dilutes it with tailings. With the claim he is shipping the tailings. One could also imagine that small concentrator spinning off its concrete platform trying to generate enough of anything to mix with the tailings.

How Reid tries to hide the obscene costs of concentrating on a small scale remains to be seen. Yet to get the permits. For now he's hiding just about everything. Wonder how much he can get away with by just stating some future revenue number, with no details?