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09/13/14 8:12 AM

#546710 RE: Tuff-Stuff #546709

<>"But the truth is, there is no recovery."

TRUTH hurts...

Fiction and Non Fiction...Theater and REALITY

Several of these posts this morning, are quoting each other

To EACH their OWN for digestion, follow the bread CRUMBS<<<


09/20/14 6:29 AM

#547059 RE: Tuff-Stuff #546709

AutomaticEarth<>Debt Rattle Sep 19 2014: Scotland and the Spirit of Our Time

Posted by Raúl Ilargi Meijer at 3:25 pm

Christopher Helin Star auto on steep grade, San Francisco 1922

The quote of the day today must be this one from Belgian EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht in the aftermath of the Scottish rejection of independence: “A Europe driven by self-determination of peoples … is ungovernable … ”

I don’t think he understands the implications of what he says, and I’m quite sure he completely misses out on the mastodont sized problem he – quite accurately despite himself- describes.

Which is something along the lines of ‘Europeans should stop wanting to make their own decisions, because that makes it hard for us in Brussels to make those decisions for them’.

There are precious few voices in Brussels who view the EU project with a critical eye. Except for Nigel Farage and perhaps one or two others, they’re all convinced that the EU is an entity that does good, in the same way that people who work for the IMF, the World Bank and NATO – just to name a few – do.

And democratic values and proceedings can be pesky little nuisances in these ‘greater power for the greater good’ visions of society. After all, it was newly elected EU head Jean-Claude Juncker himself who stated a few years back that “When it becomes serious, you have to lie.” That, too, like De Gucht’s comment above, is a way to pervert democracy.

I had hoped that Scotland would have pulled the trigger on this, not even specifically because of the Scottish situation, but because the timing is (was) exactly right (though few will see that), and because it would have been a lightning rod example across Europe of how these things can move in a peaceful, civilized, and dignified. Not a minor point in any sense.
