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09/10/14 8:40 PM

#2172 RE: Peacefulwendy #2171

Wendy, your calmness and constant show of faith has lead me to post something, I don't talk much about this with anyone....but there are good people on this board. I've met some truly nice here it goes:

I have wanted to tell this board (BMSN / RGBP ) something for a while, but I don't like putting personal things out...but it's relevant. I joke a lot and may not be taken serious at times....DO NOT CARE! I know what life means, it's not money, even though I love trading stocks and pocketing funds.

Everyone should do the crabby dance! Do it every day! With your kids or wife or just because you can life!!!

I'll tell you why and why I want Hema to be a success. 9 years ago I had a kidney transplant, I was 33. I've been through EPO shots that cost $1,000 a pop, but you can't get them until insurance says your body has hit certain levels....let me tell you first hand these levels DO NOT INVOLVE QUALITY OF LIFE ....F! INSURANCE CHOICES, SPECIFICALLY OBAMA'S CHOICES! You puke every morning when your kidneys are at that level, you have more acne than you ever had at 16, your freaken teeth ache, only Sensidine gets you through a half a day, shortness of breath (can't play golf, which I love), don't forget gout, if you had this I pray for you...gout in the knees...horrible. They told my wife (not me, she is gorgeous by the way) that I was close to a stroke or heart attack due the blood being without iron and couldn't carry nutrients and oxygen, NOT enough red blood cells being produced by your "bone marrow". Your basically just there, when your little boy wants to throw the ball.....You physically can't ....and the EPO shots help all this. What are EPO shots??

EPO or erythropoietin is a hormone that is injected into people who have anemia or a low red blood count so that they can make more red blood cells. People who have kidney disease often develop anemia since EPO is made almost exclusively by the kidneys. Prior to the development of a synthetic version of EPO which can be injected into patients, people with kidney diseases had to receive blood transfusions in order to combat their anemia.

Now, you have to do this monthly! You not only pay for the shot, but you pay the nurse and doctor for their involvement. And your pills on top of that.

So what could this procedure mean? I would take a chance on a procedure to stop the shots and allow my bone marrow to heal and wait for a transplant....would HemaXellerate help the negative side affects of kidney disease? I hope so, they told me a kidney from a parent lasts 15-20 kidney is good for now, but the calendar never leaves your thoughts.

PS - I'M NOT POSTING THIS FOR SYMPATHY, THIS COMPANY MAY NOT HAVE THE ANSWER, BUT I HOPE IT DOES FOR MORE THAN ONE REASON....THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO DANCE EVERY DAY, ENJOY LIFE....DOWN TO EACH AND EVERY POST! GAMES ARE PLAYED IN EVERY SEGMENT OF LIFE, and MORE OFTEN HERE...but all things happen for the greater good, now you all know too much....this tape will self destruct in 30 seconds.....yes I love to joke.....just my 2 cents.