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04/10/06 4:10 PM

#4459 RE: sbc357 #4456

"This is why the posts that Tsheri/Even/ Charleoi have ANY RELEVANCE whatsoever, even though it is quite obvious that they are very heavily weighted to the side of being so negative that the poster could not see a spark of light if you shined a flashlight right into their eyes. "

SBC - I believe that NMKT is a scam. I believe that Phil grossly exaggerates NMKT's business, intentionally misleads investors, hides behind a total lack of transparency, while profiting on significant insider transactions (non of which are directly disclosed, and only found in 10k fine print). So, no, given that I believe this is a penny stock fraud, I do not have anything good to say about this company or it's CEO. I lost a bundle of money with Clarent, due to their fraudulent CEO playing very similar games. When I lost everything I invested, there weren't any consolation points awarded because the company had a redeeming quality or two.


04/11/06 1:08 AM

#4476 RE: sbc357 #4456

sbc, Let me play devil's advocate for a minute...

If Verges NEVER delivered a dividend or AMEX but continued to grow the company up to $500M in revenue, and kept his current profit margin (6%)... what do you think the share price would do? It'd be looking pretty good, IMO. So, I must respectfully disagree with the part of your post where you say that his promise fulfillment is the only thing that matters.

However, I agree completely with you in that he has a terrible habit/problem with promising timelines/milestones when he obviously has NOT done the necessary homework and has no idea if he can meet them on a timely basis. His timelines are merely "hopes", which means he should keep quiet until he knows more certainly that he CAN deliver on time (or at least close). A CEO must realize that he can't easily take back what he says publicly. This oversight by him does NOTHING but hurt public perception of his ability to use critical-thinking skills before he speaks out. I AM being objective on this. It's definitely a trend he is displaying. At least he didn't make other new promises in the CC (that I can recall). Lastly, I hope like hell that he turns that trademark around and I can eat those words.