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04/11/06 8:13 AM

#4477 RE: boogaloo #4476

I've got to take SBC's side on this one. We just saw a great 10K report followed by a huge selloff in NMKT. We are now down more than 35% since Thursday's high. A pullback is normal, but a pullback of that magnitude was unnecessay. I believe it was caused by disappointment over the lack of progress and lack of disclosure concerning major issues facing NMKT. SBC, I totally agree with you and your post was excellent. NMKT is continuing to develope a huge credibility gap. There were more promises made in the CC. Phil said the goal for an AMEX listing was calendar year 2006 and that several stock dividends would be issued within twelve months. He pushed the timeframes way out on these issues, but did establish new time lines. I agree with SBC and am rapidly losing confidence in Phil's integrety. A persons word of honor means everything. You can either trust a person or you can't. Phil is doing nothing to earn people's trust in him. Coming out with good results doesn't create trust. A lot of people have come out with good results, but proved to be untrustworthy. Missing a deadline doesn't cause a lack of trust. Jerking people around causes a lack of trust. I believe that Phil is jerking us around. I agree that we need to hold Phil accountable. He owes us an explanation as to why these issues keep getting delayed and EXACTLY what is being done about it. NMKT can keep producing good results, but the company's reputation will continue to be tarnished until Phil comes clean with shareholders. I am not trying to be a basher. I am very bullish on NMKT. I just believe we are at an important crossroad. We are running out of time as far as establishing NMKT as a credible company. Every CC digs us deeper in the hole. Every delay and broken promise lowers our credibility a little more. At some point and time soon NMKT needs to start being honest with investors and give explanations concerning missed projections and missed timelines. I believe that point should be right now.
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Bankers Hours

04/11/06 8:52 AM

#4480 RE: boogaloo #4476

RE: "If Verges NEVER delivered a dividend or AMEX but continued to grow the company up to $500M in revenue, and kept his current profit margin (6%)..."

and then kept his mouth shut and never brought up all the future hopes until the actual announcement saying it was done this stock would soar.

His future plans being repeated over and over do nothing but cause uncertainty... and the market doesn't like that... penny stock or not.