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09/09/14 12:16 AM

#154748 RE: flybyday #154747

I think he has turned into Rip Van Rinkle and he will
awaken in 100 years.


09/09/14 9:01 AM

#154749 RE: flybyday #154747

I think you are all missing Insighter's sense of urgency. Insighter is worried that WSGI won't make it through to next summer to be able to use the DAC stock for funding. In other posts Insighter is worried that the DAC stock will be worthless next summer.

I do not share those concerns. Glenn kept the company alive on a shoe string for four years. Insighter may not like how fast the LTASCorp cash proceeds disappeared but I suspect one purpose of the $1MM term sheet might be to reassure us that there will be funding to get WSGI through until the DAC endowment kicks in. I would rather have cash, thank you, but I understand this approach. And I do not think Phil Frost and friends are going to allow DAC to tank--certainly not by next summer.

I don't see sucking up GTC or WSGI until they are built out more. Who needs more shells or narrative? DAC tethercraft narrative will be enough to carry them forward IMO. You would only want to acquire or merge if you built up GTC and WSGI and then started to add them together into a foxhole to outer space aerospace mini--not a giant but a mini.

So I don't expect a WSGI collapse or a disappearance. JMO. Too many other ways to build business and make money IMO.

But Insighter is worried about WSGI going away. It is a logical/valid concern and we all have to make up our mind about its plausibility. Insighter always has my respect, even when we disagree. I am the optimist and Insighter is the worrier. I like that balance.