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09/08/14 10:15 PM

#31991 RE: martin33 #31990

Its the same old story. Criminals, like MW & RW, especially securities violators, are always the first to claim that they are the victims, not the perps. Yet, for over five years they have failed to post one single report, kept the Transfer Agent gagged and are now on STOP SIGN status with the OTC. That's like the school telling you your kid isn't qualified to be in Kindergarten. Neither one has ever done one thing to make the unbiased investor think that they are above board. Especially not with IFUS!!

Maybe there are lots of perps involved with IFUS, maybe not. But, I guarantee you MW & RW are dirty. Watch for charges against MW & RW of commingling, embezzlement and insider trading to evolve from the coming trial. Will the SEC/DOJ prosecute?

BTW, the next stop for IFUS is the SKULL & CROSSBONES. I expect it within a year.


10/20/14 6:31 PM

#33163 RE: martin33 #31990

The counter-suit is going nowhere and will be dropped. Its only there for PR purposes anyway. There never, ever will be a class action suit against Energy Supreme, the "Boom Bros." or even against IFUS. There is not one attorney in the entire country that would take a case on contingency involving a sup-penny, non-reporting, pink pig like IFUS that doesn't even have the money to pay its present Bills ... or keep its plant operating.