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04/09/06 12:33 PM

#116387 RE: junct8/9 #116386


First, there is no absolute security or guarantee that man in the middle or spoofing attacks won't happen. It's a matter of risk assessment and TPMs greatly lower the risk and the difficulty of getting at stuff both by hardware and FDE (full disk encryption.)

That being said, I can't take these bloggers very seriously until they indicate that they've read original documents rather than misread secondary sources like the EFF --- or are still referring to Paladium and Longhorn --- or think that MSFT/TPM is the same as TCG.

I don't claim to be a hardware guy. Sheldon Levine, Go-Kite, Awk and several others here can run token rings around me. It's like an ether net around my head when I try reading too many diagrams with dotted lines. However, my BS detector has improved to the point where I usually recognize BS very fast and ignorant writing even faster.

The guy seems not to realize that the system also has built in authorization levels. He makes it sound like if anybody can turn it off...anybody can turn it back on and change it.

Well...if there's a basic mistake like that built into it that hasn't been notice by Intel, Dell, Gateway, Broadcom, Infineon, Seagate, Fujitsu, grad students at all the major universities associated with TC, EFF and the communities that would love to destroy this movement....I'd kinda be a bit suprised.

It could conceivably happen, but like the discovery of breaking into SHA-6 as a theoretical possibility - I, for one, won't loose any sleep over that one.

In fact, having already declared GAME, SET, MATCH -- the only thing I'm waiting for is confirmation of an upgrade rate of over 2%. I think that's a given based on the number of techies who like to play with new toys or folks who need to have the latest thing to stay statusfied and on the cutting edge for marketing purposes alone.

I'd hope we'd turn our collective attention to a clearer understanding the scope or Broadcom unit sales and what levels of impact on Wave Revenue will result short and long by the end of quarters this year and next. Has the expected revenue factor over the next three years gone from $25 million dollars from 50 million units to 30 million 60 million or 100 million dollars??? Desparate housewives want to know?