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maverick one

09/05/14 3:25 PM

#2885 RE: the cork #2879

Cork- I noticed the Russians started selling off US Treasuries around 9 months ago...something of course no one reports on or thinks is relevant or important in the media. At first I thought at the beginning initially they were rebalancing. But became evident they were dumping huge huge amounts like they were running from something. It was very peculiar...I suspected something was going on bc they were having serious meetings and negotiations with the Chinese leading up to their energy deal the Siberian Express that they signed recently. Then out of the blue the Chinese have been dumping Treasuries as well...acting in tandem.

That means The Russians dumped in advance bc they were going to invade Crimea-Ukraine and KNEW US would sanction them. The minute the fighting originally broke out I knew then why they sold off months earlier. I know now for a fact the Chinese knew in advance of the coming Russian invasion.

It's not hard to figure out whats going on...the Chinese since the mid 2000's have been pushing the IMF to start a global currency and replace the US dollar something that I have been watching very closely ever since it was first uttered by a Chinese official.

The Chinese have been buying thousands of tons of gold from every corner of the world along with India and some degree the Russians. They the Chinese claim they only have a few thousand tons of gold when intelligence suspects they have over 35,000+. They are playing stupid and the world is just watching them acquire it-rather foolishly I might add. They have been undermining the US power, influence and authority inside the IMF which is controlled by sheiks, secret banking societies, foreign governments etc basically the richest of the richest globally.

The Russians and Chinese are tactically dismantling the dumping treasuries and without governments buying-holding them it could cause serious problems for the US Government. Throw in Russian and Chinese aggression in Europe and South China Sea with grabbing land and ocean from their neighbors it's obvious they don't respect the US and NATO military power.

The Chinese are in a bubble in their economy and I have believed that they could eventually collapse. But one thing they are winning here is the battle for influence with the IMF for a global currency. That's why I believe there are 2 reasons for the Chinese to be lobbying the IMF as hard as they are to replace US Dollar. #1 The Chinese-Russians consider us their #1 threat and they ARE CURRENTLY breaking us down financially hence the sell off of Treasuries. #2 By having IMF replace US Dollar over next 5-6 years and IMO they will-that will seal Americas fate for decades maybe 20-30 years of ruin before if ever we can dig our way out.

The Chinese could sway them into backing the global currency with the Yuan and replace the US Dollar or the IMF can easily start printing their own global currency. If that were to happen it would be curtains for the US with the $21 trillion debts that we have. The major US Banks are carrying over $60 billion of debts...something that does not get any media coverage like none of the issues I am writing about here. Our banking system it's not strong at all it's a paper tiger and I don't care about any freaking stress tests it's all BS from the US Govt. The banks are loaded with massive debt, the stock market is way overpriced IMO as much as 40%-70%, the Chinese are pecking away at the IMF and their militaries are acting awfully aggressive in tandem and let me tell you that's no coincidence. They are no doubt in mind allies in war and economics against the US and the free world. They are Communists and the dinner table is being set in their dining room to feast on us.

There is more to this than meets the eyes here when it comes to the US and Euro sanctions against the Russians...we're going to break them all over again like Reagan admin did when we built our military up and they couldn't compete. The moment Russian economy goes black into recession their Western style life that came to them with the fall of the Iron Curtain will not be so Western and good to them anymore. They depend on O & G and Western markets for capital and debt raising- luxury goods- western goods etc...and the sanctions are going to seriously seriously screw them up over the next 6 months to a year. Why do you think Putin told those little kids last week that people shouldn't mess with us bc we have nukes? BC he's feeling the heat that's why- all without the US and the free world shooting one shot at the idiot. He's freaking out bc you can see it in his eyes, facial expressions and the way he carries himself. USSR is at war with the US and Europe financially its very very serious and it's one he will not win. I don't care either if Russia sells $400 billion of oil and gas to the Chinese either it's a drop in bucket to what they sell off to the Europeans and besides that pipeline will not be finished for 3+ long years...even if that pipeline was working right now it wouldn't stop what's going to happen to the Russians LOL.

So with the Russians going to be taking a licking beating we've already started their recession already...the Chinese will continue to backdoor the US at the IMF. They the Chinese are on the brink of collapse IMO...they are building ghost cities no one lives in them just like USSR's Winter Olympic Sochi facility. The Chinese have a massive shadow banking where if one invests you get 5-7% return...well it's a massive ponzi scheme they can't keep up with forever...hence their reasons to move forward ASAP dump treasuries, remove dollar global currency and petro dollar, take rich ocean territory that doesn't belong to them. IF the Chinese economy were to collapse it could take us down with them...and vice versa. But, they think their ace in the hole is going to be their levels of gold which is reportedly 3 times+ as much as the US has allegedly which they think will carry them forward and we'll digress collapse. Make no doubt what what I say to you...this is real.

I adjusted my stock positions that will not impact me financially with to much exposure to the US Government if worse case scenario ever happens. If any of those scenarios I laid out occurs I expect metals to blow up again like the last meltdown. Silver stock and bullion amongst others...but I also have acquired lots of land over the different parts of the country and offshore and they are all working farms with agriculture, cattle & poultry operations including with their own springs-wells and I was looking down road 20+ years ago saw the looming water issues coming and planned in advance. I've been acquiring stocks that deal in water pipelines and rights bc I do know that is the one thing that humans need that's not covered by wall street if at all by the media. I'm not a whacko prepper or doomsday theorist -just someone who is living a good life and planning ahead.

But, I do expect metals to one day boom again...I'm just waiting around and watching the world powers positioning itself economically to try and decapitate each other and if that fails the bullets will fly it's human nature...war that is.

I'm been acquiring rare maps, paintings, coins, more land in and out of the country and more importantly the currency of those countries. I'm not going to get caught with my pants down around my ankles if by chance the US dollar dramatically were to devalue.
