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09/02/14 11:57 PM

#3766 RE: NYBob #3659

Gold price suppression needs no whistleblowers; it's in the open because nobody notices -

By: Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer, GATA

-- Posted Wednesday, 3 September 2014 |
Comment - New!

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Over the long Labor Day holiday weekend in the United States your
secretary/treasurer sent the following e-mail to many financial
journalists and mining company executives in the hope of calling
their attention to the latest smoking-gun proof of central bank
intervention against the gold market and other markets.

* * *

Dear -----:

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee is publicizing a document
discovered last week on the Internet site of the U.S. Commodity
Futures Trading Commission.
It suggests that central banks are surreptitiously intervening
in all major futures markets operated by CME Group -- that is,
suggests that all these markets are rigged.
This strikes me as a pretty big news story and I've sent it to
many major news organizations in the hope of inducing them to
pursue it.
See what you think.
The document and some context for it can be found at
GATA's Internet site here:

Also possibly of interest is this commentary about the failure of gold and silver mining companies to protest government's suppression of the price of their products:

Of course I'd be glad to provide more information.

With good wishes.

* * *

Of course there were few acknowledgments, but one mining executive
did reply cordially, to the effect that
1) conspiracies are hard to keep secret,
2) despite GATA's many years of exposing market manipulation not
one disgruntled employee or former spouse or jilted lover has ever
come forward to describe how the manipulation works.
Until he could see information from someone actually involved in
gold price suppression, he wrote, he would remain a skeptic.

Your secretary/treasurer replied as follows.

* * *

You want specific participants in the gold price suppression scheme
to come forward -- but many already have.
Some participants have even given speeches about it, like these:

On behalf of many central banks, the staff of the International Monetary Fund wrote this report recounting central bank participation in gold price suppression:

I can get you many more documents like these
if you'd like to see them.

True, these people are not whistleblowers, as they are not craving
publicity to expose something.
Rather they are insiders very confident that they can admit these
things more or less in public because nobody will pay any
attention -- not the financial news media and not even
the gold mining industry itself.

We're still hoping to prove them wrong in regard to you.
Why not look at the three documents cited above and see
what you think? There's a lot more available here:

* * *

Will this mining industry executive look at the admissions
provided to him today?
Will he act on them?
We can only hope as we press on in the morning.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

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New Orleans, Louisiana
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London, England, U.K.
Monday-Friday, December 1-5, 2014

* * *

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-- Posted Wednesday, 3 September 2014 |

Africa's Lowest Cost Gold producer - Commodity-TV:
Company Presentation -

Caledonia Mining -

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God Bless
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03/21/16 8:27 AM

#17073 RE: NYBob #3659

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03/21/16 8:31 AM

#17074 RE: NYBob #3659