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09/01/14 5:59 PM

#1407206 RE: mick #1407205

Breakdown of CooperVision & EPGL Agreement:

Repost from another poster on EPGL board, looked great so reposting :)

I was gone this weekend so I wanted to take some time and breakdown the Exclusive Development Agreement. First off this had to written by CooperVision, because all the contact info is for Cooper not EPGL. Usually whomever writes the filing or disclosure puts their information at the bottom for contact. This is a big deal that Cooper would write and post this to the OTC for EPGL. This is the essence of full disclosure and they are giving EPGL shareholders an advantage here. They are allowing us to know before the rest of the world does about this agreement. Hopefully we are all taking advantage.

Here are my thoughts on what I noticed (match colors with the graphic below)....

1. Blue Box: CooperVision
This clearly shows that EPGL and Coopervision are working to put together a smart contact lens. Clearly CooperVision has a very clear target market..."market leader in the manufacturing and marketing of contact lenses". This is huge. Cooper is touting their abilities, skills, and position in the marketplace. They are not mom and pop shop. They are an industry leader. This industry leader wants to make an agreement with a pink stock!!!

2. Red Underline: CooperVision has secured the exclusive right
This is key to understand that no one else can have this right. It is exclusive meaning restricted to just CooperVision. They are locking this technology up. There is a reason. They see it very valuable and due to it's value they can't afford to buy EPGL outright or they would. So they have to lock it up by securing an exclusive right. They know that if they don't do this someone will come in and either buy EPGL out or secure this technology and they will be missing out on technology they can't get their hands on otherwise. When was the last time you saw CooperVision create this type of agreement? Never!!!!

3. Orange Highlight: Co-Develop
This is a true partnership. They are not taking over the technology and developing it...they are co-developing it. Why? Because they don't have the ability or technical knowledge or skill to develop the tech on their own. This is vital to EPGL because it shows how specialized their skills are the technology is so rare and most not be easily to replicate. If that is the case this is huge, because competition and others cannot replicate easily. They will need EPGL to create this kind of tech. This is very important.

4. Red Underline: ownership of resulting intellectual property to be allocated in accordance with inventorships.
Inventorships is a key word here. I recommend you look it up. This tech is so hot, and is going to be in demand that they are trying to capitalize on the inventions, patents, etc. They want their name on them and the benefits that come with that. This is not some run of the mill agreement. This agreement is setting things up for a huge explosion of technology. Technology that is new, fresh, and something that hasn't been invented before. This is key to understand. They are planning to license this technology to the world. They are planning to earn massive royalties and therefore the investorship has to be setup correctly. Why is this one of the first things they mention? Because it is that important.

5. Blue Highlight: EPGL has agreed to work exclusively with CooperVision in the opthalmic and medical fields...
Two fields....only two fields!! Anything outside of these two fields is available for other companies to step in and make similar agreements with EPGL. We now know that is happening. The rush to lock up this tech must have been crazy. Multiple companies reaching out such as Novartis, Google, large public companies, and social companies. EPGL has the ability to apply their tech to every industry and license it for every type of purpose. CooperVision is a big company, but they are not locked in with just CooperVision. Now other companies can compete for EPGL's tech. This is significant in that EPGL is going to be a household name. Much like "Intel Inside" or "Microsoft Windows". These technologies enabled every other technology the platforms to create endless software, creations, user experiences, applications, etc. EPGL's tech is about to do the same.

6. Orange Underline: Granting CooperVision exclusive options to license or outright purchase EPGL's rights to such technologies.
CooperVision wants these technologies so bad!!!! They are like a kid in a candy store that wants every piece of candy in the store. If they can't have all of it then at least they want a piece of it. Cooper is making sure that these technologies are theirs and no one else can wrap them up or stake claim to them. Why don't they just buy them right now? Why don't they just pay EPGL a lump sum and call it good? Why? Because they can't afford it. The revenue potential from licensing must just be huge. If they thought EPGL was overpricing their tech they would just walk away and say hit the road, but they are not. They are trying to secure the licensing and purchasing of this tech. It is that good.

7. Purple Highlight: Under the Agreement, CooperVision will fund the co-development, prototyping, manufacturing and marketing of such technologies selected by CooperVision and negotiated project by project. This Development Agreement is on-going.
Uh....CooperVision is so excited about this technology that they are completely footing the bill. What? They are covering every expense there is. They are taking all the financial risk on this agreement to put forth this technology. What do they know? What company in their right mind hooks up with a penny stock and tells them that they will foot the complete financial bill to develop their technology? Why would they take that risk, waste the time, and apply so many resources to it? Because the technology is that good and it is something they have never seen before and something that they cannot create, or duplicate. It is rare and it is something they need and want and therefore will do anything to get it. No matter the cost. HUGE!!!!!!!! The development agreement is on doesn't end...they don't want this to end...there is too much potential. After the last nine months of working with EPGL they have seen what EPGL tech can do. They don't want to lose that. This is amazing to me.

8. Green Underline: The companies are currently working on selection of technologies, prototyping, and securing intellectual property rights to the same.
The selection of technologies? What? Remember when David Markus on the conference call talked about how designing MEMS was like being a painter on a canvas and you could create whatever painting you wish. CooperVision has endless opportunities to create whatever they like! They just have to decide what technologies they want to create. This has got to be a great problem to have. you could do anything with this tech, so what is going to be the best use of the tech, the time to develop the tech. Not only develop the tech, but license it. Why does the word license the tech keep coming up. Why is this such a focus? Why? Because the tech is so rare that the only way other companies will be able to access this tech is through licensing. Not only that but it is going to be a tech the whole world will want and need and therefore the compensation for such will be astronomical. Imagine every medical, opthalmic, tech or social media company needing EPGL tech to advance their own technology. The licensing on billions of products sold annually is going to be very, very profitable for both companies. EPGL and CooperVision stand to make a boatload of money.

9. Green Circles: Outright Purchase - And/OR - Share of Sales Revenue
This is where EPGL is smart. They aren't allowing an outright purchase right up front it sounds like. They are going to let the market decide the price for each technology. They have given CooperVision the right to Outright Purchase and/or a share of sales revenue. So it could be both. They could actually sell the tech for a set amount and still earn sales revenue from it. That is brilliant.

This is a one of a kind agreement that I have never seen the likes of before. EPGL who is a pink sheet stock is in a position of power, demand and as such it affords them an ability to put together an agreement like this. The reason you don't see agreements like this is because a company would just buy them out normally. The problem is...the tech is too fantastic and rare that this 8 billion dollar company can't afford to buy them out. Remember...David Markus on the conference call said he thinks EPGL is the next 50 billion dollar company. 50 Billion!!! With this agreement with CooperVision I think that CooperVision thinks the same way. They don't want to miss the bus and the benefits that come with it.

Still think EPGL is worth .07? This won't be under dollars for long. Congrats to everyone that has found EPGL and I hope you are sharing it with everyone you know. This stock won't be at these levels for long. Revenue is not going to matter, which is evidenced by this Agreement and the others that are now looking to follow....EPGL is in demand, is real, and is about to take the world by storm. I am so excited about this.