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08/30/14 6:39 PM

#36424 RE: raza #36423

Nothing on otc website yet


08/30/14 6:48 PM

#36425 RE: raza #36423

Not sure on this, but I believe if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the company has until next trading day? Anyone have more on that. I know with an extension it states 5 or 15 calendar days, not sure with just the filing deadline.


But I certainly hope to see it ASAP.

Found an answer

Below are the SEC rules used to identify domestic and foreign compliance deadlines for all companies. Please note that if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the filing is due on the next business day (reference Exchange Act Rule 0-3). The dates on which this occurs have an * next to the submission type in the right column of the calendar.