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08/28/14 12:16 PM

#238514 RE: dig space #238513 be honest after seeing the names Wave has been associated with and the lack of sales or traction I can only believe that these companies are partnering with Wave as sort of an insurance if this takes off not when.

Look at the time frame that has passed since most of us have been here ..look at the technology that has come and gone in that same time!

The Samsung deal is one that I find very curious. They are already 2 years past signing that which I found surprising because I hadn't realized that much time has passed 27 months actually. I don't believe there have been revenue inroads with them to date.

I don't feel it's unfair to say Samsung is about as aware as any company in the technology sphere and very aware of what the future may hold,or at least being able to position themselves to take advantage of the new technologies.

Some saw the 15 year contract as a boon to Wave, maybe the 15 year contract is like a huge futures play for them that costs them nothing and could expire worthless.