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08/26/14 11:31 AM

#154596 RE: sami1327 #154595

sami: As much as I would like to agree with you on your assumption about the Argus, I have been hearing about the Argus for over 10 years. I have seen it tethered, I have seen it fly (at an insignificant altitude), and still they want to promote the Argus? I am vested in this company and no body wants to see success more than I do, but really, my confidence level has dropped to a more realistic more hoping, no more wishing, no more pretending.....we either have product, or we don't. Really pretty simple....


08/26/14 8:38 PM

#154602 RE: sami1327 #154595

I feel the frustration as well. The only reason I'm still here is that tiny glimmer of hope for a stratospheric airship someday. But, sami, you seem to be more optimistic than the rest of us.

We really don't know where the Argus is in the development process. All we know is that testing will continue through the end of the year. Oh, and we know that they've developed a new propulsion system. What we don't know is what was wrong with the old propulsion system, and what's good about the new propulsion system.

There may be "a very capable collection of intelligence working on this grandeur", but until they reach a significant milestone or breakthrough in development, it's hard to have much confidence in they're capabilities. The company really needs to provide investors with a development road-map for the Argus. Col. West hinted that one would be forthcoming, so I'm impatiently waiting for one. It needs to spell out exactly what the milestones are and when they hope to achieve them.

Right now, for all I know, the Argus is in a hanger somewhere collecting dust when not being used as a piñata at some nine-year-old kid's birthday party.