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04/06/06 5:03 PM

#23309 RE: mide #23307

Mide, thank you for your down to earth, common sense, and logical look at GTE and the Russian Deal. It does seem that we are bleeding to death slowly but surely with so much emphasis placed on the extreme optimism generated by the announcement of the Russian Deal and then the air being let out of the balloon slowly as the deal started to unravel. Too much enthusiasm was unleashed in my opinion in late December and now with the slow release of news there is nothing but negatives driving this stock. Decisions have to be made by all and although most of us are emotionally tied to this company all need to step back and evaluate their own position. Mide started the process.

From my point of view, I joined GTE as a stockholder in December 2004, long before there was Hotzone and any potential for a Russian Deal therefore everytime I see the negatives coming out regarding Russia, Germany, etc. I remember why I invested. The Strat was the driving force along with the many other businesses GTE was involved in. I always knew the company was speculative and there was risk involved in investing.

Hotzone then came on and WiFi was the new driving business that opened a lot of doors. Hotzone with the Strat along with Superhubs will make this an incredible company if, and that is a big IF, the company produces.

My recommendation to everyone on this board is do not pump or bash but simply remember what drove you to invest in this company. Stop thinking of it as a penny stock and stop with the daytrader mentality. If you believe in the technology of this company, the management of this company, and the three year plan implemented by Tim Huff then stay long but accept the risk. If the risk is to great, then get out and cut your losses. The choice is yours and no one else's, but by all means think instead of getting emotional.

This has been a great board with some incredible people all of whom in my opinion deserve to hit it big with this company. I sincerely hope that happens to us all someday but it is going to take longer than I originally hoped even though we are just into the third year of Tim Huff's three year plan. I am still counting on him bringing this baby home.
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04/06/06 5:03 PM

#23310 RE: mide #23307


I can't say I wholly agree with you.

I am no accountant, and would love one to chime in here, but do not see how the balance sheet and income statement look that bad.

I see the company as getting better year after year (note: cash doubled but most of that is restricted cash. I am curious as to what that is). The big picture makes sense to me. (They paid alot for expenses (ie. Travel etc.) and also increased property and equipment.) The thing that really confounds me is how they brought in that much money last year! (Gross revenue of 81mil) That to me is tremendous. Am I missing something? Was it just Centerline and money cards?

My gut and experience tells me that Huff is a GREAT salesman. I believe he believes and that may have gotten him in trouble ,but only in timing (as in this is the year to have a go getter and proven closer running the show). I think, as stated in the shareholder letter Globetel will move from a R&D
phase to a goods and service company.

I also feel that folks need realize that this stock and company are changing. I, as I am sure others, got into this stock because it was going to make us rich in a hurry. The hype on the strat. was tremendous, what a great idea. The hype on the Russian deal was great, it would bring us back to May 05 Share price and added to the Strat we were back.
I believe now that this is a long term stock for investors, it may make you rich one day but stop looking everyday for it to come; I think shareholders needs to adjust their emotional level on this stock. If I spent as much time as I did checking for the big news last year on learning how to trade other stocks I would probably have offset my losses (Oh and yes to me last year a year was long term).

Share price to me is holding steady. It is holding where it was before the Russian anouncement which is priced based on financials IMO. (Probably a little higher than it should be).

I could go on and on but won't.

I will however say that last week we received SO much information with the Fiscal 2005 results and the Shareholder letter. BUT why are we not discussing and reviewing and disecting and discussing it at length? I've read it twice and have only really fathomed a small portion. I challenge everyone hear to comment on the shasreholder letter, I believe it speaks volumes.

Also, lets discuss the BALANCE SHEET and INCOME STATEMENT for 2203, 2004 and 2005. I believe the numbers will tell the true tale.

Just my opinion folks.

PS. I would recommend this stock to everyone!!
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04/07/06 12:50 AM

#23351 RE: mide #23307

Mide, I agree with you on all except "I can't but feel in the dark evil recesses of my mind, that this was all orchestrated thru the Russians for the sole purpose of taking GTE down, and Tim and all his knighted horses never saw it coming. It reminds me of Low's warning that an outside force was at play here, with evil intent."

If Tim was in this alone, the telecom whiz kid, I could consider a Russian "bad guy plot"...but Tim has a cast of stellar intl businessmen around him....and Sir Chris was previously trained specifically in Russian culture. GTE is new to intl big business, but it's management sure isn't (isn't that supposed to be our "ace in the hole?)"

Mide, I'm so glad you are continuing to contribute to this board. I too salute your past performance as board mod. A big thanks also to justfrank for agreeing to be your replacement.