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Tar sands

08/22/14 3:53 PM

#141668 RE: brettbull #141667

There are some (most I would suggest) who are thankful that there is someone who is prepared to take a leading role on securing a meeting and attempt to move matters forward. I think the negativity you mentioned is not towards that individual but more to the Management of the Company.

I, like you, respect that someone is prepared to take that role. As you say there are not many that would.

Evil Rabbit

08/22/14 3:55 PM

#141669 RE: brettbull #141667

If only the cheerleaders on SI were as proactive as dmbao rather than idly it ting around and trying to continually demonstrate how smart they are compared to everyone else.

Thanks, dmbao for your tangible efforts. Future is looking brighter for sure.


08/22/14 6:10 PM

#141671 RE: brettbull #141667

Totally agreed. When it comes to money it is not easy as we have learned.
How fortunate to have him and others who are willing to pitch in.

Really hope that works out.
Let's push pps back to 0.025 in Sep; that is my near term wish.


08/22/14 6:36 PM

#141680 RE: brettbull #141667

You are making one big assumption that everything posted about SRSR is truthful. That is a huge leap of faith when it comes to SRSR and its participants!


08/22/14 9:55 PM

#141689 RE: brettbull #141667

IMO that is the exact problem. They should be kicking the horse. Someone needs to make Scott explain his failures. What good is having a meeting and walking out of the meeting with some financing to move forward if the CEO is not spending responsibly?

For years I have said they needed to spend the money to do what is needed to become fully reporting.
We were told (by the same investor you mention)that it was a bad idea and we did not need to "waste" the money.
Then I questioned the money wasted as it was more than enough to do everything they recommended in the 43-101.
Nope, bad idea.
waste 2-3 years on a JV and do nothing in that time instead.
When SOE was having their exclusive I said drill anyway. If they don't make a deal we are ahead and if they do make a deal it only puts the JV that much further ahead.
Nope. Let the Chinese pay for it. Doing nothing with the cash from the exclusive was a better idea. Waiting for them to screw us was a better plan.
By the way... what did he do with the money from the exclusive? What did that cash do for us that was worth waiting a year for??

Scott has had EVERYTHING he needed to make this company at least have an asset value and everything he needed to become a fully reporting company

He has failed and the share holders deserve a public explanation. There needs to be some restrictions placed on our CEO and what he can spend money on. A COO who has no personal affiliation with Scott would be a good start.

None of it will happen.
Scott will meet with nobody and he will continue to flounder around until the costs of just owning the mine site become a burden and he will sell it off.

The best you could hope for is a share holders meeting where he will blow smoke up the arses of the 5 share holders who show up and then a continuation of the same crap that has happened for the past 4 years.

I do not have to respect Scott as a CEO and I do not. Respect is earned on actions.
Scott is a horrid CEO. He needs to have his horse beaten even after death.


08/23/14 5:51 AM

#141691 RE: brettbull #141667

Nice post. I 100% agree.


08/24/14 4:28 PM

#141696 RE: brettbull #141667

Two cents:
1st cent; I agree whole heartedly.
2nd cent; All of the boards are the same. Dissenters galore. SRSR does not stand alone in that department.
Much non cents!