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Tar sands

08/19/14 12:35 PM

#141626 RE: dmbao #141625

I fully agree with your assessment about the availability of funding. IMO money is available under the right conditions. I believe that the Public entity needs to brought up to a serious Business concern and the Market needs to be made comfortable that going forward it will be operated as a serious concern.

In many ways the Property will "take care of itself". What I mean by this is that the Asset will have the opportunity to be proven out if the proper Business (of Mining) protocols are followed. Of course this requires Capital. And most importantly for those funds to be utilized properly on the site.

I know that you are hopeful that the Meeting with Management is going to occur in early September which will in many ways provide the "answer" as to Sarissa s ability to move forward productively. This opportunity is a very good thing. I only hope that management is as keen as many shareholders seem to be.