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08/15/14 5:18 AM

#10578 RE: whackywinston #10577

Wacky thank you for that balanced assessment of why STWA's management could and should do more with the PR mechanism to lift shareholder spirits and the pps.

There is no need for spin just a cool presentation of the facts in a series of well written, cogent PR reports setting out all of the current achievements of the AOT, including the Joules patents and upstream applications.

As a patient shareholder I had hoped for some restoration of the pps by this date. I will hold to the long strategy but it does test my and other family members patience to the extreme.

Tedco IMO our management should not steer this ship with such seemingly oblivious disregard for the share price.


08/15/14 7:52 AM

#10587 RE: whackywinston #10577

Well thought out post and well written. I agree with everything you said. That McGuinness announcement and the fact the STWA is not showing on their website as a client still has me perplexed. I have emailed them but never received a reply regarding their representation of STWA. A great communications company that knows how to effectively communicate could/ should have prevented both of those errors you mentioned. But, at least they are increasing the frequency of their releases. This might bring awareness to the company.

I did email the editor of World Pipeline magazine asking if they have written on STWA. The editor replied that an article by the company was featured in their magazine last year. I informed her of the latest news. She said she would contact them about submitting another article. So I assume it was not an article written by the magazine's own reporters. But World Pipeline is a major industry magazine. If STWA gets featured then that is helpful. By the way I now get free copies of the magazine monthly. :)


08/15/14 8:13 AM

#10588 RE: whackywinston #10577

Couldn't agree with you more Whacky. We should be singing from the rooftops with joy at all the achievements.

Didn't get this bit though.

When the chance came to clarify/reverse thrust etc on August 11, the medievalism got worse via a new employee at STWA who turned that greatest moment to rubbish ('before terms' instead of 'the full term'etc)

Bigger needs to go to TC on bended knee and renegotiate the NDA terms. They are crippling investors. Of course that will never happen because it suits TC down to the ground. I can only hope the NDA terms with KM aren't as limiting.

Also agree with Waveslave, Mental, ASISI, in fact everybody. And well done 4starman. Who says you don't get anything for free? :-)