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08/14/14 7:47 PM

#30354 RE: dragonsfire #30352

Why only settle for a corner of the box when you can be the box? What I mean is yes PBED can do well in clubs but guess what Red Bull and Monster are there as well as in the grocery store and the convenience store two places PBED isn't. So how do you get people even asking for PBED in night clubs? You have them drink it durning the day and advertise the added bonus is it goes great with the nightlife as well. Idk maybe it is just me but I think PBED needs a major over haul change the can design so it can fit into the grocery store and convenience stores. Also change advertising and marketing because what they've been doing isn't working IMO. Other companies are going after the Millenials as well as other generations. The old status que of doing things is done and over with. Now you have Youtube everyday joes becoming famous because we love in the age of easy information access and people are sick of being fed big company bs. I just think we have management that doesn't understand how to get movement in the sales department nor how to elevate the PBED to where it will even have a fighting chance at success. It's just very frustrating having a ghost for a CEO. He's invisible that's why I called him a ghost.

Btw there are people out there that get paid well for the advice I'm posting for free. SMH