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08/06/14 6:57 PM

#10251 RE: As I See It #10249

As I See It. I agree with you.

I can't see an order announcement coming in this CC.

One thing I know for sure is, if you check out the cv's of most oil execs & techs you will find that they have worked with generally more than one company. ie they tend to move about within the industry. I am super confident the team from KM know exactly how well the testing is going with TC but it wouldn't have come from STWA. Gregg and the team are not going to jeopardize this arrangement when it is going so well.

KM are testing on condensate.

TC are continuing the testing, perhaps if we ask ourselves why we will have the answer. We know, they know it works and the testing is successful, so what is the extra testing for? The answer is quite simple if you think about it. It's a mid stream installation, therefore more than one grade of oil would be passing through that pipeline at any given time. They're obviously testing all grades of oil which pass through that pipeline. Why?

I'll leave the rest up to you.

Happy days!!! If you have the dollars buy buy buy. It will be best investment you've ever made.
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08/06/14 7:53 PM

#10253 RE: As I See It #10249

New orders is a material event and would require an 8k. Most likely shareholders will get a well prepared statement that will not break any new ground. 10q is also due out so let's see what facts they have to report.
Anyone want to take a stab at the net loss for Q2 . Sano says -1.350 M

Btw Zinke is running for office again so I would not be surprised if he bows out soon. After all it's not like he is making bank like the rest of the crew and if this implodes it's the last thing he needs .

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08/07/14 3:51 AM

#10257 RE: As I See It #10249

AISI/ Shi 468 and Aug 10 I got over-excited about that Aug 10 idea - it would have
been a bit odd to discover such a significant deadline at this late date.

Gregg has every reason - and the scope - for ending any kind of
uncertainty about AOT's commercial viability.

It's a guess but he must be as sick of MM's as we are and now he has the chance simply to be consistent with what is obvious to all and to do this without violating any NDA's

There has been increased deployment, reduced testing, and more contracts and the recent publications have been assured and matter of fact about a future which is also greener : the hints about huge applicability across the board accompany these progressions.

8 months is a long time and a first call is itself news-worthy.

There must be a lot of information from across the board/ every part of the Stream which is now worth its weight in gold. With or without the biggest news which becomes more credible in any event.

I wonder if Gregg will be allowed to use any photos of a new
Upstream application.

I still believe - after 11 years, 5 months, 3 weeks and 2 days (approximately) since my first purchase of shares - that there will be some kind of big new News...

that's my one post for the day

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08/07/14 1:52 PM

#10270 RE: As I See It #10249

IMHO Mr. Bigger (ZERO) does not have enough sence to open a umbrella in a rain storm. All he knows is self embellishment at shareholder expense. Good luck to all share holders here. I wish all nothing but health wealth and happiness in ZERO. I am no longer a shareholder and took a hair cut to put my $$ in more attractive positions. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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08/07/14 3:24 PM

#10278 RE: As I See It #10249

You and I are on the same page AISI. I completely agree. As usual, you have hit the nail right on the head.

Clarification, in the form of acknowledging a continuing relationship with $35 billion dollar company (TC), would be a huge boost. A disclosure that the AOT skid was being move to another pumping station on TransCanada's line would be the next best thing to an order.

This is what I have been saying. I believe that they are moving this unit up north, just as the company said they would do. Or, TransCanada will order another unit to put on that pump station they have identified up north. I agree it may be premature for an order before the October 15 date, but either way, it would be a confirmation that TransCanada is still on board. And that's all we need to hear really.

I fully expect a purchase order soon. Most likely by that October 15 completion date. Let's put some pieces together, shall we.

1. The company announces 2 new strategic partnerships about a month ago, one of which is a an investment banking firm that specializes in micro cap companies.

2. We get or 2nd contract with a tier one oil company, KM, after being a keynote speaker at their conference.

3. We get a change in the TransCanda contract (I don't believe it was a permanent termination).

4. We see the company come out with a new corporate profile which states a 10% to 15% increase in volumetric flow - HUGE. A clear sign the test was a success (remember the company must clear everything on their website through TransCanada as they were forced to take something else down).

5. We get a never before seen conference call by the company on the date of the earnings report showing strong confidence.

6. We are seeing some increased buying in the market.

All of this can not be a coincidence. Make up your own mind but to me I think the company is about to start using all of the pieces they have put in place.

Money, I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you will reconsider if/when we get an order or when you have more confidence.

Alkaline, investors are following this. The company has spent the last 2 years working hard creating awareness with the large funds and institutions and the investors at this point who really matter. I believe they are all watching very closely to see what develops. When fundamental developments occur, I have no doubt they will be there.