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08/06/14 2:10 PM

#74172 RE: DaReal #74167

The oil stains in the driveway of his house suggest maybe his cars were not in the greatest shape.,-82.469646,3a,82.7y,198.7h,88.29t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sYgZSZBlq96reiGlTFdwOSQ!2e0

janice shell

08/06/14 2:30 PM

#74184 RE: DaReal #74167

I assume that Mrowca and Galas weren't the only two of the four to post at IHub. Anyone know who Hawatmeh and Pustovit were here?


08/06/14 3:12 PM

#74200 RE: DaReal #74167

Bubba is going to have a fun time with that guy in the joint.