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08/06/14 6:30 AM

#8917 RE: RobinIV #8916

I agree with you. This exaltation of the managment team has to be proved with facts and numbers. It 'a fact that Mr.. James has signed a contract with Martha S that within a few months can not pay. It 'sa fact that so wrong accounts: either production costs or sales forecasts or the amount to be paid to MS. As has been enhanced in the past year sales increase of 7000% not referring to the fact that at that time the sales were those of a shop in the suburbs, we should admit that we need a total overhaul of the management of NRTI. Many products are new this is true, and the data of only one quarter tell little, if not the fact that with a gross margin of 24% sales should be at least 30 times to create a hope for a draw. Expect the data for the 2nd quarter. Now the biggest risk is that if the choices that have been made with MS are repeated with the CBD-based products can go with the butt on the ground between two years. Do not think that the world of cannabis is the prerogative of NRTIs and TRTC, there are dozens of companies that are moving. As a shareholder I would like to know in the figures, which are the steeps of sales to be achieved it has set NRTI before reinvesting.
I've already lost a lot of money on false promises, I'm sorry I do not trust and I warn. I hope to be wrong for you, but the $ 0.02 expected by me is getting closer.
One last thing, even aloe barbadensis and aloe arborescens, cure cancer, I'm sorry that these indications have appeared on cannabis. We're talking about a production of cannabis-based food supplements, or pharmaceuticals? in Europe it changes a lot, I do not know in America. But any drug product is sold only in pharmacies and in doctor's prescription, a product "made with ..." dietary supplement, it can be found in supermarkets and large distribution. Where is oriented NRTIs?
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08/06/14 9:38 AM

#8919 RE: RobinIV #8916

Oh where do I start?

Though you do make a couple of great points, it is easy to see why folks in Europe don't truly understand how things work here in the USA.

I can guarantee you 100% that management is not changing their business to conform to the suggestions posted on a stock message board. That is completely and utterly ridiculous, but it did give me a good laugh.

Then there is the issue about blind faith investors and insight on how management should grow their business. First off, I am not a blind faith investor as you elude to, I based my investment decision based on management's overall operating principals, track record to date, future action plans, and ethics. I have posted many times what new management has accomplished in the first two years since taking over, which is way beyond what previous management ever accomplished since their existence. They created and acquired 5 new brands, got distribution for MSE in every Walgreens across the US, along with key on-line distribution, and other key chains and wholesale outlets. Plus revamped the entire Surgex line that also resulted in a large deal with Muscle Maker Grills to produce a private label brand of Surgex. Then they formed a partnership with Terra Tech to enter the CBD market and developed a strategy to give them a huge competitive advantage in the market place by creating a Scientific and Medical Advisory Board that brought in the brightest scientific and medical physicians in the MJ industry to help create these new supplements.

The new management's action plan has been to create and acquire new brands to support and grow the company through increased sales and revenue. All these new brands and the revamped Surgex line are less than a year old. Now it is very apparent that these early sales have not been what we all hoped for, but management has not abandoned them to just concentrate on the new CBD line, because of what they read on a stock message board. It is true that they need to renegotiate the contract with Martha Stewart, since sales are not where they expected at this point. They can't just up and walk away from this, otherwise I'm sure there would be a lofty suit filed by Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc. (MSLO). I have no doubt that they will be able to successfully renegotiate this contract, since they have a great working relationship with them and the fact that Martha does not want this brand to fail.

Then there is this that had me spitting out my coffee in laughter when you said: "A good start would be to donate the yoga products business to some school project, or whatever." I think the new management has a much better approach that would be cost effective based upon historic data of what is most effective in this category to grow the business.

Now let's move on to the focus issue. Their focus has been to create and acquire new brands that will produce increased sales and revenue to support and grow the company. This has been publicly stated by the CEO and that is what they continue to focus on. Mr. James, the CEO, has continually sought out the best opportunities in the market to help grow the business, but let's be REAL honest, it takes time to build successful brands and to expect instant success is unrealistic. However, sales have not been at an acceptable level to date and that will require additional work and change of plans to change that, which management is always working on.

Your point about new management showing us shareholders that they are worthy of our investment is very plausible and I agree with that. I think right now they have the biggest opportunity to turn everything around with this CBD project. The competitive advantage they could utilize through this Advisory Board is absolutely astounding IMHO. As I said before, they could easily come away with the new standard for the medical MJ supplements that would put them at the forefront of medical marijuana industry that is expected to grow 26.6 percent annually over the next five years to $8.4 billion( ).

Compared to the countless other OTC stocks, NRTI is leaps and bounds above them in how they reward themselves, salaries, and stock options. Not only that but as proven since taking over here, new management does not participate in the many unethical practices to take advantage of shareholders, such as paid stock pumps, over hyped PR's, and big promises that will never materialize, geared to sell shares to support their lifestyles.

You can say what you want, but the fact of the matter is that new management has proven they can and will continue to change this business to get this company turned around. So when you folks overseas post your comments on what this company needs to do to make you happy as an investor, you forget to take into account that business here in the US is much different than that in Europe and thank god NRTI does not conform to your way of thinking. Mr. James approach towards their entry into the CBD supplement arena was a great example of his smart thinking to gain a competitive advantage. I have and will continue to use the facts to date to guide me and all my post are supported by the facts to date. The fact is I talk to the CEO regularly to understand their focus and action plans, but when the CEO invited you to call him to do the same you declined, but yet you continue to criticize most everything they have done and make these silly observations and demands from overseas in Europe, where things are very much different.

RIGHT NOW this BIG OPPORTUNITY in the CBD market is where this new management needs to shine and come through with a huge win, which I think they are very capable of. This is where we do agree and now it is up to management to come through with flying colors. As investors we need to keep a watchful eye on everything management does and hold them responsible for their performance and successful executions. We are at a huge crossroads and I strongly believe this new management is up to the challenge to turn this company around, due to their successes to date and their unprecedented approach towards this CBD project. As far as the other brands, I think it is way too early to completely forget about them, as I think down the road some could really add to the company's bottom line.

I'm looking forward to this CBD project results that has a very good chance of turning this company around very quickly. Cheers!