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08/05/14 10:46 AM

#28906 RE: big-yank #28903

Please read the entire 15 page ruling and tell me how it does not favor IR. Yes, it was dismissed but due to jurisdiction issues, but on EVERY issue, the judge sided with IR on no evidence of shorting, and says IR was not responsible for the decline of NEWL's share price. If what I am saying is not true, please cite in the decision where it says ANYWHERE NEWL had a valid argument in ANY of its claims. You can't. I'll give you that IR is a sleazy enterprise, which reminds me of a pay-day advance store with insane interest rates. Oh, and all of this talk that IR is fleeing because 4 officers left is laughable. No one knows why they left, they could have been bought out by a partner, who knows? Here is a link to a recent judgment IR won on July 21 against a different company. Doesn't seem like actions by a company that is "fleeing the country." Oh, and don't forgot, IR is still getting shares of NEWL.
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08/05/14 10:54 AM

#28907 RE: big-yank #28903

He also said there was zero proof that IR was manipulating the share price.