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08/03/14 6:45 PM

#226529 RE: SoxFan #226527

I respect your right to disagree. Yes, of course, the Palestinians have a right to a better life. That can begin to be acheived by first eliminating Hamas. Hamas is not interested in a better life here; they are like all religious nuts, their minds are on some mythical paradise.

Stephanie just called the incessant Hamas rocket attacks annoying, and you call them inconvenient. And the murder/kidnapping tunnels are just a way for the boys to let off a little steam? The bus bombs, the body parts in the street, they're just Arabs having a little fun? Are you both kidding?

Again, as I said in my previous post, I'm surprised. If one of the anti-science goofs that plague your board started ranting about how global warming can't be true because it was cold yesterday, you'd rightfully be scornful and rip him to shreds. But in this case you're letting your passion overcome your reason. A rational person should not deliberately decide to be logical about one thing and illogical about another.

It is a terrible situation for both sides. If you think that Israelis are dancing with joy over this, you are sadly mistaken. They too are terribly conflicted, they too hate what is happening, but they see no other way to stop Hamas. A two-state solution is the only viable answer; it must and will come eventually. But it cannot come with Hamas ruling Gaza.

Over and out on this.

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08/03/14 6:46 PM

#226530 RE: SoxFan #226527

Per AP, to-date...
1,800 Palestinians dead
60 Israelis dead