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08/01/14 11:56 AM

#129018 RE: Stoxswag #129017

Well put and I totally agree.


08/01/14 1:52 PM

#129025 RE: Stoxswag #129017

Berkeley Bio Organics doesn't exist. If it did it would be licensed and regulated by California's Department of Health just like all other laboratory research facilities both public and private. This is verifiable by doing a simple public search in their data base.

This proves the companies are intentionally misleading the public, this, or the company is in violation of health codes. Either one is really really bad

No patents exist that can be sold to pay debt or make these shell companies worthy of being acquired by a more credible business.

No inventory exist to sell off as this is their business model.

No real estate was acquired for farming MMJ, again, verifiable by a simple public records search.

The laws of California do no permit collectives to make a profit from the sale of MMJ, which eliminates business niches for third party vendors like Pharmajanes, or is it Pharma Janes, maybe Mr. Pharma Janes, I really don't know any more.

No tax ID/sellers permit has been filed, since, is it two years nows?

Not even the pumpers can resist their devotional enthusiasm to overkill, and its resultant exposure of their motives.

These are not the actions of a management team that cares about their product or the customer, and definately NOT the investor.

There is nothing in this current situation that time can help these leaches work out.