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08/01/14 8:25 AM

#12853 RE: x993231 #12852

I would really appriciate if you or someone else mail me with what you have found. I don't think I will be a danger spreading it around as clearly it seems important information. If it's on the net please send me the link. thanks Steve
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08/01/14 8:34 AM

#12854 RE: x993231 #12852

Come on X, of course we want to know what is behind this : ^ )

One could literally go crazy thinking about this. Who wants in that didn't get in on the raise and is willing to pay now?

Is this manipulation to raise the price artificially to tap LPC?

Is this manipulation to raise the price for the issuance of shares in connection with an acquisition?

Is there something behind the scenes that has been 'discovered' or accomplished that folks are whispering about to everyone but me? (Probably : ^ )

Is this a sudden rise on technicals? (I don't think so)

But here is what I do know. The issue traded 7.5 times avg. volume yesterday. Seriously money has flowed in from before market open 2 days ago. Sarge shows up for the first time in years and says we are almost there... and the market cap pre-market today is 61 million.

I have always maintained this technology IF proved out is worth billions in discounted cash value. If we are even close to any of those things mentioned in the letter, it is worth many, many multiples of today's value.

Something tells me we will never know, but it has to be showing up on folks radars now. The DOW drops 300 points and we prime ourselves for a move.

Watch ... we trade on 52K today and close at 1.09. (But I sure hoe not)

Best to the longs,

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08/01/14 8:44 AM

#12856 RE: x993231 #12852

x said "IMO If this move up is due to a deal or the science this will begin to increase exponentially"

x, I agree, if sarge is right and these guys are in the process of ticking off the final check-mark(s) and the commercial tons the best protos will be out this fall, and the market, being a forward pricing mechanism, is rightly anticipating the magnitude of news that will be reported in the coming months, then imo the pps will take out the 2012 highs of 3.33 rather quickly