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07/30/14 12:24 PM

#238204 RE: player1234 #238203

**The Loop Group seems frustrated,

a number of complaints about the current regime's lack of communication.

I think what the complainers are failing to observe is that their thirst was satisfied in the past by a river of BAD information.

I would recommend they revisit the process ... what is better 10x more information that is 100x less reliable, or 1/10th in information that is 100x more reliable.

There was all sorts of WEM information, public and private .... yea, that was good stuff, eh?

If the concern is on the vision thing I don't know what to say, it seems pretty clear to me. Those things they hope to do are vague, those things they will do are clear.

**Previously those things they hoped to do were clear, those things they will do were vague. If one requires a firm declaration of a transformative position atop a pile of gold, then one needs counseling. Those are hopes, everybody has them, but rational leaders don't present them as inevitabilities. They plan, they position, they indicate direction and then they seek to execute. If one thinks the longer term plan or direction are particularly obscure, it may be that that is what the truth is and has always been.

Who the frik knows how mobile TPM is going to pan out, but the direction is and has been clear. Stop judging and start listening.