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07/29/14 5:55 PM

#154251 RE: be_real #154249

Be_real, Glenn's surname was just my input since Drew pronounced it during the intro. As to GTC, Drew said it was not in CONUS (I had to look that up - continental US).

If I can put any sort of positive spin on the SHM presentation, it is that Drew told us exactly what the state of affairs was. No fluff and puff. It wasn't what I wanted to hear as I was expecting more of a report of them being further along with things. It confirmed what the shareprice and lack of substantial info has been telling us.

Indy said he was a straight shooter and this proved it to me. It's not like he had a lot of ammo to use. I look forward to seeing what he can do for us. At less than a penny, why not?


07/29/14 7:21 PM

#154252 RE: be_real #154249

Looks like GE slipped into obscurity this meeting. David Phipps works out of the UK. No reason to attend people will see his efforts through the next financials. Besides he works for the company but is not an officer.