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07/28/14 12:01 PM

#31250 RE: Biwatch #31237

Thanks Biwatch

Will reread the GS Transcripts

By the way biostats was your Seeking Alpha article that made me realize I barely understood what you were trying to explain.

That led to me enrolling in an online course in BioStats ,where I found that I was overly optimistic in thinking I barely understood biostats : )

Interesting subject ..determining reliability of data etc
Enjoy your posts



07/28/14 12:51 PM

#31254 RE: Biwatch #31237

The world awaits the results of R-IT. This may be as important for CV disease as penicillin was for infection. One only hopes that the FDA did not screw things up by arbitrarily and capriciously rescinding the SPA for a drug with demonstrably no serious side effects.