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07/29/14 12:08 AM

#3892 RE: mortalmyth #3891

RE:CAL GOLD Price Here Is The Roadmap To fiat$100.-/sh +++ -

The National inflation Association Statement -
Another Unbelievably HUGE Day for NIA!

One month ago, NIA released its “most important stock suggestion
research report in history”
with its Top Stock Suggestions for the 3Q of 2014.

NIA ranked Caledonia Mining (TSX: CAL) at $0.89 per share as its #2
favorite small-cap gold miner and
#1 favorite dividend paying stock.

CAL on Thursday was the TSX’s #1 largest percentage gainer.

CAL soared on Thursday by $0.14 or 13.6% to finish at its high of
day of $1.17 per share,
which is also a new 52-week high!

CAL traded strong volume of 178,713 shares, which
was quadruple its average daily trading volume!

This is the second time during the past week that one of NIA’s
latest stock suggestions was the TSX’s #1 largest percentage
gainer of the day.

CAL has just declared its latest $0.015 per share quarterly cash
dividend for all shareholders at the close of trading on

CAL is currently paying an annual dividend yield of 5.13% –

the highest out of all gold/silver mining stocks!

Those who entered CAL at NIA’s initial suggestion price of
$0.89 per share –

will earn an enormous dividend yield of 6.74%, in addition to
already being up 31.5% on the stock!
by goldeagle @ another forum -

Caledonia Mining Presentation to the Richmond Club -

Caledonia Mining Daily Chart Golden Cross Bull Run -


Gold Bugs Index - NYSE Arca ($HUI) Daily ST Chart -
strong bottom fishing Au-treasures -

Gold Bugs Index - NYSE Arca ($HUI) LT mthly chart -
Bottom fishing Au-treasure bargains -

Nobel Economist Joseph Stiglitz Hails New BRICS Bank Challenging
US Dominated World Bank & IMF -

Published on Jul 17, 2014
A group of five countries has launched its own development bank
to challenge the U.S.-dominated World Bank and International
Monetary Fund.
Leaders from the so-called BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia,
India, China and South Africa — unveiled
the New Development Bank at a summit in the Brazilian city of
The bank will be headquartered in Shanghai.
Together, BRICS countries account for 25 percent of global GDP and
40 percent of the world's population.

Presentation Expanding, Low-Cost, Zimbabwean Gold Producer -
God Bless
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08/13/14 11:03 AM

#3898 RE: mortalmyth #3891

Pentagon's "war games" expert says strange phenomenon is causing world's gold to vanish...
and it won't be seen for 300 years

This expert (who consults for the Pentagon and intelligence
community) predicts the gold prices will soar 400% in
the next few years.
Why is the world's gold supply disappearing and how can
you take advantage of the situation? Details below...

Presentation Expanding, Low-Cost, Zimbabwean Gold Producer -
God Bless