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07/28/14 1:38 AM

#2686 RE: wj2005 #2682

Your post is very polite, just not rational. You reference Saleen selling potentially ten 30th Anniversary Mustangs and maybe 10 + 10 another 20 Camaros and Challengers over the last couple of months so that's 30 cars. Let's say Saleen makes $40K per car (which they do not) that would be $1.2M over a couple of months or $600K per month at best. Saleen is spending almost $1.3M per month so even if they sold all 30 cars ( which they have not ) they would still be negative by ($1.4M) over the last couple of months.
On top of the operating loss's you casually mention that that we may be reading about Saleen releasing a new model 2015 Mustang, a new Saleen Tesla and a new Saleen Supercar ? Do you believe your own comments?
Do you know how much Money, Engineering, Manpower , inventory, planning and execution it takes to launch even one model type ? Let alone create an Electric Vehicle and a Supercar under one roof? You obviously know very little about the Automotive industry.
You are right about one thing . Saleen Automotive now is not the same as the Saleen of 6-7 years ago or in the early 2000's . It is not even close to being as well funded or staffed now as it was back then and Ford will have nothing to do with Steve Saleen now. In 2005 & 2006 Saleen had 250 employees in Troy, MI and 175 in Irvine, CA or 425 employees. Now in Corona , Ca maybe 50 or 60?
This new Saleen is just a shell that was built to grab investor funds to support Steve's lifestyle.
You may own Saleen vehicles and have known of Saleen for 15 years but you seem to know very little about Saleen the investment or the current financial condition of the company. This is an investor website, not the Saleen Enthusiast fan club. Read the 10K and then see if your own comments make any sense to you .

These comments are my opinion. Invest based on your own research and conclusions.
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07/28/14 9:42 AM

#2691 RE: wj2005 #2682

I already knew they were in the process over the past year or so before they signed up with Naples Motorsports and they are one of them.

Naples is a third party distributor and not proprietary dealer like Saleen claims he want to open in the investor presentation.

I don't have a link to provide for the China cars that were sold... I know they sold more then what they took. And let me correct myself is saying that 3 of the 4 cars they took over there were pre-sold... Just the S7 was available at the autoshow.

You know, but you can't prove it to us? sure. Also the S7 was never available FOR SELL at the Beijing Auto Show. The S7 still in Saleen's inventory is used to back debt and can be sold only to clear this specific debt. Please see 10k.

You claim to know a lot as well but much information you are providing is based on vehicles produced 6-7 years ago and have nothing to do with the current Saleen Automotive.

I don't get this part. My knowledge of the current situation of the company is much more complete than what it was 6 years ago based on the fact that it is now a public company required to publish financial statements.

I love coming on here reading all the posts with information that a lot of times is not true but everyone goes running with it.

Please point to a specific information that I stated that you can disprove. With sources of course.

Do you own a Saleen Vehicle or ever have?

No, I drive an electric car if you most know. This website is for investors, not Saleen car enthusiasts.