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07/27/14 3:54 PM

#2665 RE: FredVestor #2662

First, I do not believe the claims that Saleen has a team in place to build the next Supercar.
The car is built in a cell. Not a production line. It requires at least twelve members with specialized skills .
The carbon fiber vendor has to sign up for the project and be willing to go through the iterative process in an R&D prototype mode, meaning that the cost of the first body design is shared until you get to a volume order commitment ( like 12 chassis) . Saleen use to work with Gaffoglio Family known as Metalcrafters out of Fountain Valley, CA.
That relationship is built on trust because each side will put up at least $750K before you get a good form, fit & function carbon fiber body . Then you have Paint. Very custom very tricky . Very expensive. You can also count on at least 9 months of development.
The Saleen team of at least 12 specialist are not cheap. You can easily count on paying an average of $125K per head plus benefits and a share of the profit for each car produced. So, $2M per year for the labor. $1.5M for the first chassis. Now the Engine. Figure on at least $200K . The transmission, drive train, exhaust, suspension, wheels, tires, interior, etc.. Over 3,000 parts on the Bill of a Materials, most are custom made from machine shops or modified from the OEM. Then you have to assemble, re-engineer for fit and re-mfg for size before the car fits together with no gaps and tight tolerances.
After all this, you are still a good six month away because the car has to be tested and certified . Taken to the track and measures for speed and performance . Does it meet the spec ?
No . Back to the garage . This does not include crash testing for safety, air bag design, installation and testing .
Long story short, to do it right , $5- $6 Million easy to produce the first legally sellable Supercar .
So does Saleen staff a team that can build a Supercar . NO.
If they did, they would be sitting around waiting for a design and then parts.
Do you believe that the same Tuner group of Engineers who modify Mustangs can build a Supercar from the ground up? Or generate CAD design on 3,000 parts
under revision control ? NO way .
Does Saleen have a Carbon Fiber vendor to partner with for the body . Not Metalcrafters.
Steve burned them out years ago. It would have to be 100 % paid in advance by Saleen with no sharing of the R&D development cost. Does Saleen have the MONEY to fund this Supercar and concurrently support the Engineering , Procurement and Production of :
a Saleen Electric Car,
Mustangs 3 models (White,Yellow ,Black)
Mustang -Dan Gurney
Mustang- Parnelli Jones
Mustang- Fullmer
Aftermarket Parts
A new Clothing Line
Plant Expansion of the Corona Facility

And finally (the cou de grau) SALEEN Tesla's.
What do you think? How much money would it take to be doing all these projects at the same time ?
Saleen had $31K at the end of April and owes millions to
Some tough organizations (State of California, banks , private lenders, vendors, etc...)
How in good faith can Saleen advertise this rediculous idea of super cars and Tesla's?
Do you believe It ?