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07/27/14 3:47 AM

#23388 RE: Quikshft #23387

We can all shout here what we want...

Its real simple actually...

Its just a waiting game .. And i know the waiting game has been here for some time some would reply...

But i really mean its now a waiting game because there are things that can happen in a relative short time frame...

Iff 3D Icojn manages to obtain that 1 mil funding this year itt will be the cream on the pie in the validation of there tech imo..

And that will boost my convidence in a huge manner and will personally be my motivation in buying a chunk load more shares at probably a much higher price than we stand now..

And i think i will not be the only one with these thoughts...

1 mil will not be many or enough but it will be the most important sign (after the JDA with Schott and the relationship with mr Freitag) in the tech this company has..

And that is the nicest thing in investing... it could create a buying frenzy...

Iff a lot off investors would think the same way like i stated before well it could become verry nice...

Look i already have my validation in the tech (JDA Schott) but again a funding would increse my believes and confidence in a succesfull ending here in a huge manner...

And iff one funding has been awarded the more likely it will be for follow up fundings to occur / year 2015 to come...

And also for other companies to get (more) interested...

Everything can happen here ..

I am long at this point...really like the odds

Monkey 28

07/27/14 3:34 PM

#23390 RE: Quikshft #23387

I didn't see the deleted message, but I like your response. fascinating... Bump