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07/24/14 11:59 AM

#388670 RE: Limejuice22 #388668

nokia has done so much harm to idcc over the years and wasted the courts time,their shareholders money and set such a bad predecent for global patent cooperation.They also drove their handset business in the ground.They simply had a bad value platform which is important to true great coorporations.Doing the right thing in a fair manner has to be at the very core..Thieves lose in the end and never contribute to doing great things..I hope delaware straightens this out for good..I feel good things are right around the corner..The samsung deal has set things in motion...thanks to everyone for all the years of great info..


07/24/14 2:10 PM

#388698 RE: Limejuice22 #388668

There can't be too many bites left on the apple for pNokia. This stuff has got to get settled once and for all.