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07/22/14 7:38 AM

#11997 RE: Cerp #11990

cerp! You are almost about the best!!!


07/22/14 10:06 AM

#12005 RE: Cerp #11990

SLTD: Potential $24 Million Revenue 2014

Cerp, that's the same ballpark I was in, about $3 Mil revenue, and the best is that project completion date of November 2014!

We can infer a few other things as well:

1.) This should be added to the 2014 bottom line, worst case Q4 revenue at time of completion.

2.) Remember that backlog of 10 Mil, this did indeed "add to it significantly", by about 33%.

3.) If this project is the last in line of the current backlog, that 10 mil Backlog should also be completed by Nov, 2014.

4.) If we have more than the entire previous years revenue in the first two quarters, 8.5-10 Mil, and we have the backlog, 10 Mil, + this additional job, another 3 Mil, that's a safe $20 Mil, possibly as much as $24 Mil revenue for the year of 2014, which puts us on track for Jim's 300% statement!!!

Can you imagine a 300% YOY, $24 Million Revenue 2014 10-K?!?!?


07/22/14 6:12 PM

#12035 RE: Cerp #11990

CERP!! Could you please enlighten us ALL:
how did you get $3.25 million in revenue?

I'm dying to know...