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07/13/14 10:01 AM

#6784 RE: awesomesound #6783

LP were allowed to buy from growers licensed under old regulations until April 1st only when the new regulation took place. TWEED was going to buy a one time shipment from this guys to give time for their first harvest to be ready. As per their agreement if the RCMP or HC found any problems with that shipment they were not obligated to pay that shipment so basically they never bought it. New reg. took place April 1st, and no body is allow to do that anymore. Every single harvest of TWEED is 100% harvested on their facilities from seed to bud. But you knew that already. Didn't you?
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07/13/14 10:22 AM

#6785 RE: awesomesound #6783

Haaaa, haaa. Does numbers you show makes me laugh plus all the other non sense rhetoric. With the facility they have in place with 6 growing rooms producing already this are the numbers. By the end of the year they will have 12 rooms and by the end of 2015 they will have near full capacity of 30 rooms generating about 130 million $ per year. At that point they will still have room to expand and could apply for an increase of their max capacity allowed by HC. Thats with their current facility along. Their other facility which is twice the size will produced twice that amount. Again do the math. HC will never go back to regulate thousands of individuals growing on their garages and selling on the black market. They are now regulating and controlling commercial license producers who are required to meet all those guidelines and regulations. If you think they are going back to regulate
Thousands of stoned heads like you you are smoking too much of your own garage grown sht.

At current capacity of one facility alone which is 20% capacity of that facility they are currently at:

6 Gr.Rm, 500Kg/room, 9$ average prize per grams. Four harvests so far on Q2.

You do the math silly.
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07/13/14 10:35 AM

#6787 RE: awesomesound #6783

By the way if you look at the HC estimated annual consumption of MMJ you would realize that are currently near 300,000 more non registered patients buying on the black market. Now since the price and quality both are better with the LP than what they get on the black market they will likely be applying to become legal patients and buying from TWEED. Those number of patients are going to grow exponentially year after year since nowadays you can become an authorized patient for thongs like back pain or anxiety. Now with the liberals wining next elections it will become also legal for recreational use nationwide at which point TWEED will trade well above 60$ per share.
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07/13/14 12:41 PM

#6794 RE: awesomesound #6783

Well done awesomesound - your posts literally make me LOL. Please do continue spending all of your time writing meaningless rants that are nothing more than entertainment for everyone on this board.

Do you have a jump to conclusions mat? You see, you have this mat, with different CONCLUSIONS written on it that you could JUMP TO!

Do you acually think a Federal Court Judge will find in favor of a Government Progam that takes advantage of the sick and dying, and buys illegal product.

The upcoming trial isn't MMPR vs MMAR where only one can remain. If the court rules that individuals can grow for themselves, then great. That doesn't mean MMAR will be brought back exactly as it was, nor does it mean the court is going to shut down LPs who create jobs and tax revenues. Not sure how adding quality control measures is taking advantage of the sick and dying? Maybe you are referring to cost in which case there are LPs with compassionate pricing programs, and once Tweeds new facility is up and running, maybe they will be able to better serve that market also if they choose to do so.

the Estamates of amounts of production are Laughable

Are you saying we should ignore all of the market research and history, and just go with your proven intuition? How do you support this claim?

Remember there are only 39,000 Paitents in 13 years, 17,000 have licences to grow, and aonther 8,000 use other sources such as CC's or friends, there may be 1,000 new patients in the next couple of years, but NOT 100,000's

How many of those 17,000 licences to grow are actually complying fully with the MMAR? That's a statistic that is not easily quantified partially because there are no reporting requirements under MMAR (another flaw in that system). Its very easy to exploit an MMAR license to grow for the purpose of selling illicitly. Once again, where does your figure of 1,000 new patients come from? Do you have some intel that the general public doesn't have access to? Or maybe a trusted gut feeling? The medical document procedure makes it much easier to obtain a prescription, especially for conditions like anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc that are not injury related or life threatening illnesses.

Rev in the ten's of thousands not millions not even hundreds of thousands.

So by your wise undisclosed calculations, they have produced and sold less than 20lbs of product so far? LOL