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03/29/06 3:29 PM

#3989 RE: debugframe9 #3988

I know the company does not talk about the RS unless brought up by shareholders. But, some shareholders like to keep bringing it up because the company is so damned adamant that they need to get on a different exchange and, in this way, the company reinforces the conversation that the shareholders keep bringing up for having a RS to make it to that other exchange. IF THE COMPANY DID NOT WANT TO SEE RS DISCUSSIONS, they would straight out come out and say that they do not care about the other exchange enough to even consider a RS. They would quit emphasizing that they need to get on the other exchange and just start emphasizing that they need to tighten up the cinches on the wallet holding the company's shares - QUIT DILUTING, PERIOD. Get all the convertible, preferreds and whatever else out there that can cause an increase in OS out of the way, and tighten up their accounting so that our sharesprice will appreciate instead of shares being used to drain retail investor's pockets.
If they would focus all their communication on these issues instead of,
Oh Boy, we really, really want to get off the OTCBB because of all this OTCBB market dynamics BS, and we are doing everything we can to get on the AMEX,
then people would quit even THINKING about doing a RS because they would see there is no reason for it. Shareholders would start focusing on what would really help this company - less debt, that includes debt being held in the form of EXTREME OVERHANG of preferred shares. Once this overhand and overuse of shares for funding WHATEVER is settled down to a SLOW trickle within our market cap budget, more appreciation in share price will occur. This can then be CONSERVATIVELY used in future deals. NMKT needs to quit spending 500% more of the company's Authorized share budget, in a few months time frame, leaving shareholders with a stream of new shares to have to swim up against in a very strong current of shares flowing down on top of our investment.

The company effectively supports all the RS chit chat on the RB board, by continuing to emphasize that they desperately want to get on the AMEX. They subliminally bring up the RS issue with this AMEX mindset, and I am tired of it. For some reason, the company appears to somewhat like seeing investors continuing to talk RS.