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07/10/14 9:26 PM

#154025 RE: Renaissance #154024

...every safety measure was well thought-out. Everything but the satellite cell phone, which the Kaufman's say had been deactivated by their provider, Whenever Communications, LLC.

"I think the evidence clearly represents that they did what they did and that was the action that ultimately started a chain of events," said Eric Kaufman. His wife added that the satellite cell phone company's recklessness led to the family losing their home.

"Our home is gone, and I have friends who are sailing oceans right now, who are on their sailboats, out adventuring and I don't ever want this to happen to anyone else," said Charlotte Kaufman.

The couple will file a civil lawsuit against the satellite phone provider later this week. Attorney Dan Gilleon says they should not only compensate the Kaufmans for their loss, but should also re-pay the federal government for the expensive military rescue at sea.

"The at-fault party here was that satellite phone company," Gilleon said. "The Kaufmans did everything they were supposed to have done."
