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07/08/14 1:25 PM

#27046 RE: pennyman247 #27042


Several years ago you could have expected the most cordial and personable and professional hospitality with product introduction by staff members working in their specific fields. One may only guess what remains of all that dog and pony in light of the continued decline in economic security. I guess today finding the doors open and Lloyd around the office would be a plus. In any case, I would suggest phoning for an appointment. On the other hand, a cold call might tell more.

Unfortunately the impending RS action already so clearly slated, struck to the stone of history as it will most certainly unfold, clearly identifies CoroWare as a taker of investor money with no intent or promise of fair compensation. To my way of thinking this is absolute thievery and it is a sad state of affairs catapulting otherwise good people into the lair they share. I of course misinterpreted both human nature and an eventual outcome in this regards. Winning the war at all costs is sometimes no possible winning at all.

On the other hand, anything can happen and perhaps that hope and hard work will eventually bring COWI over the top. Question remains though as to just how many investors need be ripped off so as to keep that dream alive. Somehow it just doesn't seem right! Stand by for the next RS.

