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07/06/14 8:42 AM

#75645 RE: Seriousintent #75639

Are you serious?

I downloaded vir2o, used it for a couple days, and deleted it.

The reviews on there look fake. "No problems" "easy to use" "better than Facebook"

The 2 bad reviews look about right.

One even mentions scam! Lol funny

I challenge anyone to use vir2o for as long as you can. You might make it a week before getting frustrated and deleting IMO


07/07/14 9:46 AM

#75701 RE: Seriousintent #75639

First of all, the real question is this: how many 5-year agreements have to be "signed" before one actually produces revenue? We've had close to 10 5-year agreements being boasted about by the CEO of ECDC and not a single one produced even so much as a penny.

It amazes me how ECDC facts can be thrown out of the window simply because your interpretation of ECDC is different from the reality of ECDC.

Xander3 said he never reported failed deal we could reference it in SEC filings. The focus changed from if filed or not to the nuances in the filing.

Then you misunderstood yet again. I want a real reason for the Earthsearch deals failing rather than some half-brained excuse about disbanded cold war government agencies wanting to steal source code for a product that is out-dated. Which disbanded government agency will be next to foil an agreement with Earthsearch, Student Connect, or Vir2o- the Gestapo?

How can Kay collect too much salary that is hurting the business, if filing shows it has no impact on business cash flow as it was paid in stock. Not even common but Preferred for that matter, which would require conversion to common and filing with SEC before can be sold. It shows long term commitment by CEO
Tell me how Kay can possibly pay his bills if he is only getting paid in stock? What a ridiculous argument. He holds only 4,000 shares as stated in his own financials. He got paid $40,000 just to be a board member in his own company. Frankly, it's pathetic.

Has Kay abandoned Vir2o? OMG! The company just announced it got access to $28ml songs for its music section on Vir2o called VMaestro
July 9th article. Middle of paragraph 4.

Last sentence of paragraph 4.

So Vmeastro was already in use in November of 2013 on Vir2o, but was just re-released last week? It was mentioned in July of last year as being avaible at launch, but was just released last week? Guess when there are billions of ECDC shares and not much progress to report Kay has to recycle news- which several of us already knew.

Rogue Paper was a fraud on ECDC if it has a deal with VH1 and MTV how come we are not hearing about. It was worst decision Kay made in my view was sold a lemon, the fact will come out sooner or later.
A lemon you say? ECDC boasted Rogue Paper's app had over 800,000 users- you call that a fraud and a lemon?

If so, what would you call the measly 20,000 users (according to Kay) of Vir2o? First paragraph, last sentence:

What would the Vir20 app be called with it's less than 5,000 downloads? Is Vir2o a dump truck of lemons?

We should demand a CEO conference call with shareholders to clear these things up. There are just too many misinformation going on. There has to be something going on we don't know.
I agree. I'd love to ask Kay why/how someone is trying to undercut his "free" Student Connect service?

how much revenue these 5-year agreements will produce?

what counties are currently using it, why have counties been in the "test" phase of Student Connect for well over a year?

what companies have signed up to pay 1000% more for an ad in a text message?

how could Student Connect even be tested on a Verizon network that he says is incompatible with his product?

How much is being paid to Verizon through the Partnership program and the Master Service Agreement for a product that is incompatible with their network?

Why was there never an official announcement about the Student Connect app, but there was a re-release of Vmeastro news?

What is the purpose of the Student Connect app if the text messages are free?

How are the text messages free if parents have to pay for monthly service through their wireless carrier?

How did the public get access to the private GAPT conference?

How is it that the only pictures of the Student Connect/Verizon booth that were posted on the iHub board were also the only pictures posted on the official pages of ECDC social media? Why were the pictures of such poor quality, and why wasn't Kay in either of the photos?

Is there going to be another R/S, and if Kay says "there will be no r/s" when will the R/S occur and at what ratio?

What happened to Bus Safe?