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07/01/14 9:52 PM

#224606 RE: rooster #224605

While you women whine abouT having to pay a couple of bucks for birth control, let's get to some serious issues

Oh know you'd be squealing like a castrated hog if your insurance company refused to pay for your viagra.


07/01/14 10:08 PM

#224608 RE: rooster #224605

A months pay for your circumcision? .. an IUD for women on the minimum wage,
nearly a months pay .. how would you feel? .. and how expensive are your condoms?

"While you women whine abouT having to pay a couple of bucks for birth control" .. DUH DUH ..

The 8 Best Lines From Ginsburg's Dissent on the Hobby Lobby Contraception Decision

—By Dana Liebelson
| Mon Jun. 30, 2014 11:32 AM EDT

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Charlie Neuman/ZUMA

On Monday, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg penned a blistering dissent to the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling that the government can't require certain employers to provide insurance coverage for methods of birth control and emergency contraception that conflict with their religious beliefs. Ginsburg wrote that her five male colleagues, "in a decision of startling breadth," would allow corporations to opt out of almost any law that they find "incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs."

Here are seven more key quotes from Ginsburg's dissent in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby:

* "The exemption sought by Hobby Lobby and Conestoga would…deny legions of women who do not hold their employers' beliefs access to contraceptive coverage"

* "Religious organizations exist to foster the interests of persons subscribing to the same religious faith. Not so of for-profit corporations. Workers who sustain the operations of those corporations commonly are not drawn from one religious community."

* "Any decision to use contraceptives made by a woman covered under Hobby Lobby's or Conestoga's plan will not be propelled by the Government, it will be the woman's autonomous choice, informed by the physician she consults."

* "It bears note in this regard that the cost of an IUD is nearly equivalent to a month's full-time pay for workers earning the minimum wage."

* "Would the exemption…extend to employers with religiously grounded objections to blood transfusions (Jehovah's Witnesses); antidepressants (Scientologists); medications derived from pigs, including anesthesia, intravenous fluids, and pills coated with gelatin (certain Muslims, Jews, and Hindus); and vaccinations[?]…Not much help there for the lower courts bound by today's decision."

* "Approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be 'perceived as favoring one religion over another,' the very 'risk the [Constitution's] Establishment Clause was designed to preclude."

* "The court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield."

You can read the full dissent here .. (It starts on page 60.)

the article is linked in this one

Why the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby Decision Is the New Bush v. Gore


07/01/14 10:55 PM

#224610 RE: rooster #224605

Todd Starnes’ Xenophobic Opinions About Cantor & Detained Immigrant Children

not attacking the messenger, just checking the new-t'-me guy out ..

June 12, 2014 By jasdye 4 Comments


Todd Starnes is a ridiculous Culture Warrior, racist and Rush Limbaugh-wannabe who likes to make stuff up .. . He’s also xenophobe with questionable intelligence – but most people who make it their living to indiscriminately defend the indefensible appear unintelligent even when they have high IQs. Recently, we caught Starnes making stuff up about immigrants .. . And now he’s using the defeat of Eric Cantor and a crisis with detained immigrant children to spread more malicious lies about migrants, starting with calling them by the slur “ill*g*ls”.

Starnes had already started on his “ill*g*ls” and “amnesty” rants in his farewell to Eric Cantor. Cantor isn’t known for being nice, and certainly not for actually offering any sort of blanket amnesty. But even the slightest hint of generosity extended to immigrants (especially if they’re not Anglo White) is unforgivable for the xenophobic wing of conservatism

And so on the night when we sang “Bye-Bye Eric Cantor”, rightwingers were also rejoicing that a so-called RINO (yeah, sure) was heading on his way out. In his trademark dim wit, Todd Starnes just thought it hilarious:

Run .. .. for the border, RINOs.

Cantor is apparently a Republican In Name Only even though he’s a Republican in every other manner as well. But you know ideologues love their No Scotsman Fallacy. What borders, you ask? Oh, you know the one from the Taco Bell commercials.

It’s.. .. just too bad all those invaders swarming across the border couldn’t cast their votes in Virginia…

“Invaders”? “Swarming”? WTEVERLOVINF?

Establishment .. .. Republicans just soiled themselves #cantor #amnesty

And in case he wasn’t clear about his interpretation of this upset:

Here’s .. .. the message from Virginia: You either stand with Americans or you stand with the invaders.

Was that the message? Because primaries don’t usually send messages except “Less than 20% of registered party members cared to vote. Everybody else forgot to circle their calendars.”

About a day later and he’s still furious at immigrants, but not through Cantor. This time it’s about accommodations and food.

So .. .. what happens when there are 100 million illegals living in America? …Illegals .. .. are complaining because we’re feeding them flour tortillas instead of corn tortillas.

Let’s ignore the fact that “100 million” is over a third the population of the United States and that Starnes can’t do math for a second here. It’s already obvious that he has no grasp on truth when it comes to racial and poverty issues. This thing about “complaining because we’re feeding them four tortillas” is a Fox News spin on a bit of a crisis. But don’t worry as that spin is only disingenuous lies about Latin American kids.

Thousands of kids caught by Border Patrol trying to cross the US’ southern border are being held in a makeshift detention center .. .. in Nogales, Arizona. Mattresses, toilets, and other supplies had to be immediately sent to the facility for 700 children the other day. Some of the children, who are as young as one, complained that the food they were getting – burritos and cold eggs – were making them sick. This outraged a few of the fine human beings over at Fox News, of course. HOW DARE THEY?!?! WHY BACK IN MY DAY SOME OF THE KIDS THAT WE STARVE WOULD LOVE TO BE FED BEFORE THEY WENT TO BED! Here’s some Laura Ingraham .. .. outrage, if you have the stomach for it.

But let’s not forget that this is a story about kids. Kids in a very desperate situation being locked away and absent from their parents in this land because, well, things were really bad at home.

“I remember a little boy of 9 years old and I asked if he was going to go meet someone and he told me ‘No, I’m just going hand myself over because I hear they help kids,’ ” Vazquez said.

Todd Starnes is a writer. He uses words for a living. He connects words and thoughts all the time. So he already knows that the term illegal is an adjective and not a noun. More so, he is aware that people’s entire lives cannot be summed up through activity and that whatever adjective one can be described by does not and cannot supersede that person’ humanity. But yet, here we are, and Starnes decides that not only are undocumented immigrants – whose only crime is the misdemeanor of crossing a border – functioning in illegal premises, but their entire existence is illegal.

That's some source you have there, rooster .. oh, some more ..

Todd Starnes of Fox News Lies Again: A Texas School Did Not Ban Christmas Trees and the Colors Red & Green

December 7, 2013 By Hemant Mehta 160 Comments

I think this is the third fake story “reported” by Fox News’ Todd Starnes in the past two weeks. But I could be wrong since I’ve only read three of his stories in the past two weeks.

His latest version of “fair and balanced” spin takes us to Frisco, Texas, where Starnes writes that an elementary school has “banned Christmas trees and the colors red & green from an upcoming ‘winter’ party”: .. more ..

rooster, guessing i'll be back sometime about the one you posted there .. from unidentified sources he says .. Starnes' is obviously right out of
the FOX POS mold .. cute the way he threw "brownshirts" in there, too .. rooster, don't think you can get much worse .. duh, thanks for the intro ..