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07/01/14 8:15 PM

#292 RE: 123tom #291

123tom' on 'Gold Miners ETF (GDX) thank you for your opinions -

well, I think the nwo cabals are running out of gold to short sell -

India's Gold Import Duty "About to Be Cut" from 10%
Wednesday, 6/04/2014 15:10

Gold imports and impact on Rupee will be "closely monitored"
after initial cut to 10% duty rate, claim sources...

GOLD IMPORT duty in India is set to be reduced, according to
sources in the new BJP government, but there's no word yet on
the more important 80:20 rule.

China, India, Russia + EURO central banksters gold demand
will be stronger than ever, imo -

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts-A Real Collapse in the Dollar, Gold Could Be $30,000 an Ounce -

Mass Economic Collapse explained
by Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D. videos..

When it comes to war in Syria,
economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says,
This time the big lie didn't work like it did in Iraq.
On fallout of a possible Syria. .

$GOLD Spot Price Chart Monthly TA LT turning bullish -

TI LT Trend Strong bull trend intact -
God Bless


07/03/14 8:32 AM

#294 RE: 123tom #291

I completely agree with this statement of yours:

"But whatever the technical tools and indicators may suggest the whole sector is totally rigged, and it will move whatever way the Controllers want it to."

For this bloated pig of market to continue its fake and drastic rally, they have to short gold. I have said it before and will say it again, these people who are manipulating these markets for this continued fake rally which in my opinion is not sustainable, have completely forgotten the history of such bloated markets. This market is the best example of ponzy scheme if there ever was one where money is being transferred into the coiffures of the super wealthy from the 401k of the middle class and when it comes cascading down like an avalanche, the wealthy have taken their loot and put it in foreign accounts where they won't have to pay taxes and the american middle class portfolio takes the beating. This market is so manipulated it is worse than organized crime. I have no doubt it is sanctioned by this administration thru the toothless SEC to make obama look good, cause the markets keeping moving up while majority of people are succumbing to poverty level minimum income wages. Oh yes, unemployment is down, profits are up, the markets are up and keep rallying, LOL. It is so sad and pathetic. What is it about humans which keeps us repeating the same mistakes over and over. we are incapable of learning from our past wars and bloated markets and stupidity and manipulation? I like to know the answer for this even though I can guess, POLITICIANS!!!!! IMO.