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07/01/14 2:51 PM

#93357 RE: Rawnoc #93314

It was a bitch slap in the sense that the case was thrown out. Of course ANYONE with half a brain knew it was a waste of time. So why would NNVC pursue it? Either their were involved and someone inside made a LOT of money, or they were worried that the cat was being let out of the bag and had to protest to show that their fairy tale is true and needs to be believed.

If they were confident that they had the goods, that their product worked, that they had a real path to market and profitability, they would have ignored all the rabble and kept their nose to the grind stone and proved it false with some actual goals being met.

Instead they wasted time and shareholder $$$ on something that they must have known was a losing proposition.

To submit in writing to the court that they knew PT had made over $1M on the stock because of the article is VERY telling. Either it was completely fabricated or they know who he/she is.

There is no other option, except they made it up. Which given this company's record for delivering on goals, is probably the most likely.


07/01/14 3:19 PM

#93367 RE: Rawnoc #93314

Now maybe NNVC will stop wasting money on lawsuits. The most effective way to deal with people like PT is to actually get the product proven and out the door. No number of lawsuits will push the stock price up if NNVC continues to fail to execute. No number of rants by PT or Rawnoc will push the stock price down for long if Flucide is put successfully through trials.

The current stock price should be of concern to management only if they intend to sell another big block of shares to raise more money, before Flucide gets to phase II.


07/02/14 11:01 AM

#93454 RE: Rawnoc #93314

There was no validation of the article in the court's opinion. In fact, quite the opposite as the court went out of it's way to distiguish between fact and opinion, the former being actionable and the latter being protected free speech. If anything was validated at all by the court it was that the Seeking Alpha article was opinion, not fact.

As for allegations that the case was, "thrown out," the only issue that was decided in the case was that the Company could not use pre-trial discovery to force Seeking Alpha to disclose the identity of the author. Hardly the, "pimp-slap," alleged in this post. Actually, maybe it was because I have no idea what is meant by, "pimp-slap," other than what it states on it's face, i.e. getting slapped by a pimp. Based on Judge Kern's order, this would hardly be an opinion, it would be an allegation of fact. But that's another case.