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03/28/06 1:26 AM

#9356 RE: Sylvrewynde #9354

Thank you for your message.

First, the business plans that I suggested consisted of different ventures. In one case, I located a company that was developing hotel and condo projects in Costa Rica that wanted to merge with a public company. In another case, I proposed an SMS venture because licenses were readily available and the costs to set up were low. Paul Taylor was only interested in my executing share issuances for debt purportedly owed by the company.

Second, the fraudulent subscription agreement that I located consisted of a sale of 4,500,000 shares of post-split stock to West Indies Sugar and Beet Company, a Belize company. He had a facsimile signature of Jon Miller as the signer for the Beet company. My name was forged on the document as President of Netco. It was faxed to the transfer agent from fax number 5613813482 which is Paul Taylor's fax. Other conversions are listed on my website at . I have no idea what he has done since early March. I understand there have been many conversions. I will be releasing the documents I have to the public shortly.

Third, as to your question about my qualifications. I had two MBA degrees, with the second specializing in marketing, and six years in a marketing position. However, that is not why I received the job. Apparently, Taylor thought I would just sign all of his papers as a nominee while telling me that the company would be built up. Taylor thought wrong. When I was financial officer, I was stonewalled when I sought documents. Jon Miller was blamed for the fiasco, and he was terminated by Taylor and I was elevated and promised the chance at reshaping the corporation. It never happened. It took me over a month of demands to obtain a shareholder list and copies of documents that I allegedly sent to obtain them from the transfer agent. The vast majority of the share issuances were forged by Paul Taylor. There were approximately 5,000,000 shares of pre-split stock which was properly converted from debt, and those creditors retained the shares and did not liquidate them to my knowledge (thus, they are in the same boat as the investors). The debt is based on alleged pre-Telatinos funds owed, trivial amounts such as $300 to $400 which were converted into shares at par. When I told the transfer agent in writing to only accept original signatures and to contact me upon receipt of a conversion request, I started receiving faxes from the companies listed on the website demanding shares. These documents will be released shortly.

I did execute the direction to split the shares from 333 to 1. The purpose of this split was to make Netco into a merger candidate, so Paul Taylor said. Immediately following the split, Taylor began issuing the forged debt/share conversions. He forged the documents because I refused to execute the conversions. It was around this time that I began making inquiries of the transfer agent and was stonewalled until late February. The day after I received the written copies bearing the forged signature, I notified the transfer agent of the situation. Prior to seeing the actual documents, and immediately after reviewing a digital list of shareholders, I notified Madison that I believed there existed a possibility of forged share issuance directives. Madison Stock Transfer, in turn, promptly notified Paul Taylor of my inquiries.

Rodrigo C. Araya