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07/01/14 12:04 AM

#18877 RE: Flowing #18876

Let's hope that these shares are not from the company. There were about 248k shares traded from the 17th - 26th June. I'm not sure where those shares came from, I assume someone that was paid in shares. I have, however, noticed that the bid has been supported through it all. So someone (person or entity) has some reason or another, to support the bid. This is a good thing, IMHO. I'm not saying that this justifies anything at all. I'm only stating that there is support from somewhere.

In my opinion, which is shared by many on here, there should be more information released from the company. This information should point out the website/contact information for these new companies developed under the Innovative Holdings Alliance shell. More information that could be released, to settle any uneasy feelings from the past with IHAI, would be any/all information about current Audited Financial Information for Innovative Holdings Alliance. Information about the direction into the future for exactly what/where we should expect to see this company headed into the future. Along with the Audited financials, seeing a filed S-1 and ascendance out from 'Pinksheets Land' to another higher level would be reassuring for the stability and forth-comings of this company.

I've read the PR's and the recent filings many times over. There are still some things that I am not so clear about. There has still yet to be any clarification of how IHAI with Mr. Mills became the IHAI with Mr. Treitman. We as share owners of IHAI went from being company dealing with Green Energy and the PSGS over to share owners of the IHAI dealing with medical company and assisted living homes.

I understand that Rome & the Hover Dam wasn't built in a day. This process that the owners of Innovative Holdings Alliance are going through, to get the company profitable, I'm sure isn't an easy one. But it's been months since the filings reports came out. I saw that those filings came out "on time" to meet SEC Regulations. I would have thought there was a crunch to get those filings released, so the management could get the S-1 paperwork filed with the SEC. Getting the S-1 paperwork filed could only mean that the company has intentions of uplisting the company to a higher trading tier. But since there are no S-1 filing paperwork dropped yet, I am unable to figure out what is going on.

At this point, it's the proverbial 'Hurry up and wait' game, yet again.